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Take a kid fishing/Thank you

Take a kid fishing/Thank you

I love to talk fishing but more specifically, I like to share the knowledge that I’ve learned over the years in hopes that it will help someone else. While I think it’s important to help others in order to help the sport grow, there’s nothing more important than...
Fall Float

Fall Float

  It’s been awhile since my Dad and I first floated the Stanislaus River, almost a full year. So, it was about time we did it again! It’s one of the more scenic rivers here in the Central Valley and to top it off there are a variety of species that inhabit the...
Close Encounters of the Kayak kind

Close Encounters of the Kayak kind

What’s cooler than pulling up to a laydown, popping out of that seat and pitching a jig 6 feet in front of you? It’s watching the line dance then start moving toward you, a jaw jacking hookset and an explosion as a big mouthed behemoth shoots out of the water, close...
Belva Deer Lake The Bassin lake

Belva Deer Lake The Bassin lake

I’m off again, heading west for Sigourney, Iowa. I’m meeting up with my fellow Jackson Kayak Fishing teammate, Tanner Speidel  for a tour of some of his favorite waters to catch some hawgs. I departed around noon out of the Chicago suburbs to avoid the traffic...
High Water Redfish

High Water Redfish

It had been a while since the last time I visited Eddie & Lisa at PAC Kayak Rentals, so I headed down there with Mark on Tuesday. I wanted to get reacquainted with these oh-so familiar waters. After leaving Eddie’s, Mark & I headed north. He was on a...
The Coosa FD, A Quick Review

The Coosa FD, A Quick Review

I’ve had the opportunity to own a CoosaFD now for 5 months. I enjoyed every second of fishing, paddling, and pedalling from it. Here’s a little review from my experience with the boat and its awesome pedal drive. Lets break this down in two parts: Aesthetics and...