FIBArk- First in Boating the Arkansas by nicktroutman | Aug 11, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, WW DisciplinesFABArk is the longest standing whitewater event/ race in the United States, and has been going on for the past 70 years. It has been a staple on our event tour for the past decade, though in the most recent years there had been some scheduling conflicts, and I had...
My Personal Best Score at Fibark by Greg Parker | Jul 7, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, rivers, United States, Video, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesSalida is a special place for me. It is where I dialed in my cartwheel and learned to loop. It is where I learned all of my other advanced hole tricks. It is where I try to progress myself and the sport with combo moves. It has always been my favorite play spot and I...
White Whale No More by Robert Brown | Jun 30, 2018 | FishingSo what is it that drives you in the sport of fishing? Is it trying to best the field in tournaments? Is it getting out on the water and spending time with family and friends? Or, is it just getting away from the hustle of daily life and recharging? No matter your...
CKS Paddlefest is a must-do for families! by Vincent Family | Jun 9, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, Playboating, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesCKS Paddlefest is held over the memorial day long weekend in Buena Vista, Colorado, a funky mountain town a few hours west of Denver. It just celebrated it’s 18th year and keeps getting better and better for both paddlers and families alike. Once you arrive in the...
CKS Paddlefest Women’s Group Paddle by Courtney Kerin | Jun 8, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, WhitewaterThe annual CKS Paddlefest in Buena Vista saw an amazing turn out of women of all ages and crafts for the women’s group paddle. Though high water meant a change of location on the river, almost 30 ladies still came out to bask in the sunshine and share in a beautiful...
KelloggShow Kids Heading to Argentina for the USA Freestyle Kayaking World Championships by kelloggfamily | Aug 12, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, Kid's Kayaks, Playboating, rivers, Whitewater, WW Disciplines2017. My first opportunity to try to make the US Freestyle Kayaking Team. It had been on my mind all winter. Living in Colorado is not the best place for kayak training in the winter, but my brother, Kenny and I maintained our fitness by snowboarding and lifting...
Buena Vista 2017! by sagedonnelly | Jul 17, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Playboating, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesKeeping the busy year going, I just finished up with one of my favorite events Paddle Fest in beautiful Buena Vista, CO. The weekend is always super busy because not only do I get to compete and help judge freestyle, but I also get to help people get outfitted and...
KC Jackson paddles the Arkansas by Courtney Kerin | Jul 9, 2017 | Dynamic Duo, Family Zone, Internationalisation, New Zealand, River Running, rivers, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesHere’s a short film of my best buddy KC Jackson and I paddling together down the Arkansas River in Colorado. Getting kids on the river is on of the funniest ways to share your kayaking experiences and fun! Hope this inspires some more of you to get out there...
US Freestyle Kayak Team Trials 2017 – Buena Vista, CO by Jessie Stone | Jun 12, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, United States, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThis year’s US Freestyle Kayak Team Trials took place on June 30-31st in Buena Vista, Colorado. There was plenty of good snow pack and even snow the week prior to the trials. Cool weather kept a good steady and lower flow going right up through the first day of the...
Birthday float trip in the Ozarks by teamjk | Mar 17, 2017 | Cuda, Fishing, Mayfly, VideoLast weekend I had the opportunity to fish beside a man who “took a kid” fly fishing once. Some 25 years ago, Ben introduced his sons to the passion. This month he turned 63 and they decided to take him fly fishing to celebrate. But don’t get confused Ben fishes hard....
Video – Nice to meet you (Fly fishing for brown trout) by Drew Ross | Jan 12, 2017 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, VideoFor me, winter kayak fly fishing means chasing brown trout on Arkansas tailwaters. Sure, you can chase trout all year but I really enjoy it during the winter months because the crowds are down and the fish are more active. If the weather happens to not be great, all...
Listen to the Chatter by Chris Ritchie | Jan 6, 2017 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Lure reviewsIn the fishing community you generally have two types of people when it comes to lure selection; those that stick to their tried and true baits and those who follow the latest trends. I am unintentionally the first type. I don’t really like to follow the crowd and...