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Why I Kayak

Why I Kayak

For more seasons than I would like to admit I’ve fished. Walking the bank of a farm ponds, wading creeks, small lakes in a small boat, (10 foot Jon boat), and big lakes in a big go-fast boat, canoeing dozens of years in Canada, I’ve caught walleye in “tin” V-hulls,...
Bowfishing On The Cuda HD

Bowfishing On The Cuda HD

Earlier this season while kayaking a local backwater area, I noticed hundreds of carp feeding on the surface. The northern pike were nowhere to be found so i decided to switch gears. I had to blow the dust of my bow and head back to the backwater. Bowfishing is a...
Cranbait  Confidential

Cranbait Confidential

For many people their introduction to hard baits is a slim minnow imitating bait. The look often fools fisherman and fish. In my own case I became addicted to throwing the minnow plugs. Cast it out, let it rest, twitch and start the process again. Ten to fifteen bass...