Fun for the Whole Family at Kelly’s Whitewater Park by kelloggfamily | Oct 28, 2019 | Whitewater Feature, WW DisciplinesWhat’s all the craze about Kelly’s Whitewater Park about? It just so happens to be one of the coolest whitewater parks in the entire US, that’s what. What makes this place so amazing is the fact that there is something for everyone, from toddlers to adults. Not only...
Kellogg Family on Today Show at 9:40 Eastern- TODAY! by ericjackson | Jan 28, 2013 | JK Media, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterWant to see one of the most amazing families? Â Check out the Kellogg Family- with 12 kids, living in an RV (here at Rock Island this winter!) and now on the Today Show… Â 30 minutes from when I am writing this- sorry for the short notice!! Â Â Here is their team...