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Me and Dad

A boat that lets you be whaterver you want to be on any given day, it doesnt punish me when my concentration is lacking (which is regularly) and rewards good paddling behavours with performance.

First Time

You have produced boats that allow me to share the sport I love with the most important part of my life.

5907 Rio Vista Ln

11 y/o Sage showing all the kids how easy a drop can be. 11 kids and 5 JK boats did laps on “Graduation Falls” in San Marcos, TX, while there for slalom training from Canada. Laps were run over and over and the grins were BIG!

Family fun with a Jackson

Jackson Kayak has become part of our family and we look forward to our kids someday riding a jackson down the river.

Elias surfing on the Ocoee

I love that I can enjoy the sport I love with my kids. I was amazed when my son first sat in a Fun and IT FIT HIM. We had been going to roll practice at UTC and he was trying to roll a different boat, but couldn’t get it. Someone else there had a Fun and let him...

Adam (age 5) learning the front loop!

This is my little guy Adam last year at age 5. Bought him a shooting star during Jackson’s get kids into to boating promo. Needless to say, he really took to it. Loves when we throw him through the air into a front loop. He is now age 6 and “almost”...

Bryan in his Fun1

This is my 6yo son, Bryan, in his FUN1 on Grandpa’s pond in Oneonta, NY. I paddle a Super Star Classic. Even though it is much more “playboat” then I’ll ever need I love the boat. It is very comfortable for me. I feel very much in control, even...