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Unclephil’s first post!

Unclephil’s first post!

Hi there, I’m Philippe Lavallée and this is my first blog post as a Jackson Adventures regional team member! With this blog, I will try and showcase all the amazing whitewater, events and people from the rich paddling community of La Belle Province, Québec....

Come join me at Montréal Eau Vive

Close your eyes… Well, not yet because then you can’t read what I’m about to share, but pretend you’re closing your eyes and imagine a river… a wide river, like probably the widest river you’ve ever been on. Then, add a rapid, like… a really big...

Big Wave Freestyle – Montreal en Eau-Vive 2014

After a 4 hour drive from the Ottawa River with Kalob Grady and James Metcalfe , we arrived in Montréal around midnight. The event, Montreal en Eau-Vive, lured us with a few great perks which included some great surf waves, jet skis, and 2 Whitewater Grand Prix...