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Paddling – Italian Style – part 2

Juerg and Lars decided to sample the local beers before dinner and celebrate a very fun day of paddling. Once we made it to dinner, Lars (Lars’s family makes wine in Switzerland so he knows a lot about wine) picked out a delicious wine for our dinner – also not very...

Rivers For Change on the South Fork Yuba

headwater |ˈhedˌwôtər; -ˌwätər| noun (usu. headwaters) a tributary stream of a river close to or forming part of its source. Today, Darin and I, paddled the headwaters of the South Fork Yuba River. The Yuba River is a major tributary of the Feather, 1/3 of its flow,...

EF Lewis and the Robe Race

The East Fork of the Lewis is a lovely bit of whitewater that PDX’ers hit up after work in the spring. And after the big logjam on Canyon Creek, the Northwest Creekin’ Comp got moved over to the EF. As we all know, rivers have the tendency to create...

EF Lewis and the Robe Race

The East Fork of the Lewis is a lovely bit of whitewater that PDX’ers hit up after work in the spring. And after the big logjam on Canyon Creek, the Northwest Creekin’ Comp got moved over to the EF. As we all know, rivers have the tendency to create...

New found wonders

So with all the rivers still flowing around northern Queensland, and the monsoon madness white water festival just passed leaving us eager for more white water, a few of us decided to head south in search of some new rivers. Off we drove with the boats on the roof,...
Broadwater Creek 2010

Broadwater Creek 2010

Enjoy this article i wrote for Australian Geographic “OUTDOOR” magazine last year. BONDY Photos Josh BOND, Dana HEPTINSALL Saturday March 6th, 2010 3 am The day begins with my alarm ringing. Enjoy this article i wrote for Australian Geographic...