Paddle and Life in Uganda 2020 – The Rich, Full Experience by Jessie Stone | Feb 15, 2020 | Rockstar 4.0, Trips, WhitewaterPaddle and Life in Uganda 2020 The days here go by very quickly – especially with so much going on! For the past two weeks, Emily J came to volunteer with Soft Power Health and paddle with me! I felt incredibly spoiled on all counts. It’s funny to think that Emily and...
Uganda Whitewater vs Power | Big End of Year Decisions Impact the Fate of the Nile by Jessie Stone | Jan 10, 2020 | Featured Post, JAdventures Main Banner, Whitewater, Whitewater FeatureBig End of Year Decisions Impact the Fate of the Nile November 2019 marked my 17th year whitewater paddling in Uganda and the 16th year of Soft Power Health’s work in Uganda. Boy does time fly bye when you are not paying attention to it! Despite the construction of...
Well be Back – News from the Nile by Jessie Stone | Mar 3, 2019 | Internationalisation, Playboating, rivers, Rockstar 4.0, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, Whitewater, WW Disciplines“Well be back!” That is how most Ugandans greet you when you come back to Uganda after being away. It means welcome back! And in January 2019, that’s what I heard many times on arriving in Uganda! I was a bit nervous to see what the river level would be and what...
2018 – A Year of Surprises!! by Jessie Stone | Jan 11, 2019 | Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, WW Disciplines2018 has been full of surprises. Most have been good and some have been life changing. Though I have known and been waiting for the Nile to be dammed for a long time, it did finally happen in November this year. Despite many people’s effort to stop this effort and to...
First trip to Uganda, winter 2018 by teamjk | Dec 26, 2018 | Playboating, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThis past winter I was very fortunate and so lucky to travel to Uganda to surf the legendary Nile Special wave on the white nile. This was my first time travelling overseas and I was going by myself at 16 years old and heading to Africa. My plan was pretty loose, only...
Happy Birthday on the Nile by Jessie Stone | Nov 23, 2018 | Internationalisation, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesLast year’s birthday in Argentina was hard to top but this year’s celebration went on the entire week that Emily, EJ, Dane, Clay and Andi were in Uganda. EJ, Clay and I had first come to paddle the Nile together in 2003. It was an eye opening experience in so many...
The Hairy Lemon by Jessie Stone | Jul 15, 2018 | Internationalisation, rivers, United States, WhitewaterEven though the end of the Hairy Lemon has been looming for several years now because of the construction of Isimba dam and the flooding that it will cause, receiving the news suddenly on July 5th ( while I was at the Lemon) that this weekend would be the last weekend...
Paradise (soon to be) Lost by Kevin Parker | Jun 3, 2018 | rivers, WhitewaterIn March I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Uganda, and paddle on the Nile, with world class paddlers Stephen and Clay Wright, from Jackson Kayak, and Sam Ward, founder of Kayak the Nile. This trip was especially memorable for me, as this will be possible...
Soft Power Health’s Trip down the Nile by Jessie Stone | Apr 21, 2018 | Internationalisation, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, WhitewaterFriday March 16th is a cloudy, cool morning. The weather looked overcast, but nothing like the day before when 10 hours of nonstop rain pounded the Ugandan red clay landscape. I had a small river flowing right down to my banda and wasn’t sure I would make it...
Soft Power Health Experiences the Nile First Hand by Jessie Stone | Apr 17, 2018 | Internationalisation, United States, WhitewaterFriday March 16th is a cloudy, cool morning. The weather looked overcast, but nothing like the day before when 10 hours of nonstop rain pounded the Ugandan red clay landscape. I had a small river flowing right down to my banda and wasn’t sure I would make it...
Eating it in Uganda by sethashworth | Mar 9, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Media, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Video, Whitewater, Wrap UpsSo I just got back after spending seven weeks kayaking in Uganda, on the White Nile River. It was Awesome and I wanted to showcase some of my paddling there. Then I thought to myself,”nobody cares about that, they just want to see you crash” So then I made a short...
UNLEASHED Recap by kalobgrady | Jan 30, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Canada, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, rivers, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesINTRO: A glorious way to live. In early January, 29 athletes from 12 diverse countries converged upon the longest river in the world for UNLEASHEDxUganda. The goal of UNLEASHED has always, and will always be the same: to create a competitive environment...