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The Little Wenatchee River is a tributary to Lake Wenatchee, which is the source of the Wenatchee River. The Wenatchee River is famous for big water play boating, low water party floating, and the infamous Tumwater Canyon. The Little Wenatchee River is famous for lots of wood, mosquitos, and a long drive to the put in. Regardless, it is awesome.

After years of this gem being chalk full of wood, we got a report that the Little Wenatchee River was wood free and good to go. I had never been down this river but had done my online research and heard all sorts of stories of the good ‘ol days when this beauty ran smooth. So, in early June, when the levels seemed solid, we rallied a crew and got in there!

The Little Wenatchee River is the perfect blend of class IV gorges and long forested boogie water. While no rapids on this run were extremely challenging, there are still plenty of horizon lines, multiple line options, and blind corners. Being that no one in our group had been down this river before, we treated it as an exploratory mission. After all, the no wood report was hearsay until visually confirmed. It turned out that there wasn’t a single piece of wood in play, and after some boat scouting and a couple quick hike-a-peeks, we moved swiftly down stream. The most helpful move we made was scouting the take out before heading up river, as it is very inconspicuous and easy to pass.

If you get a chance to get on the Little Wenatchee in the late spring, early summer season, don’t miss it.

Thanks for watching and keep it rad out there!!

