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This summer was an epic season filled with fun on the Ottawa River. Though that best day of my entire summer was easily the day I went duo kayaking with Tucker and our friends. We had a couple dads including myself, Jose and Billy Harris along with our three kids and a couple Dynamic Duos and we hit the mighty Ottawa River to see what type of rad adventure we could get into.

We had a real break-though with Tucker and his thoughts of whitewater once we introduced the googles. We spent the decided that the low water of the middle channel would be the perfect introduction of class 1-3 for the kids, and would give us lots of opportunity for playing around. We spend the majority of our day goofing around, swimming and surfing at S-Turn. It was a perfect place to have the kids feel computable and have a ton of fun. After S-Turn we kept on venturing down the river. The Butterfly rapid was next with a big wave hit, followed by a portage at Garvin’s chute. Then we had a couple good books and launches on Upper and Lower NoName, with Black Velvet being our last rapid and ending of river run adventure.

All in all it was an incredible day for both the kids and dads, with tons of fun, smiles, and high fives. Like all great dadventures our day wasn’t complete without a finish to the ice cream shop after we finished up running shuttle.

Check out the full edit here: