I think we’re all in agreement that 2020 has presented itself with one challenge after another. All of the hurdles that we face continue to weigh down on us as individuals and as a community of paddlers.
From “lockdown” and social distancing, to river access being closed due to COVID and then months later due to fires . . . all of these challenges we have faced and continue to face weigh heavily on a society and community that thrives on adventure, community, outdoors.
The 2020 White Salmon Halloween paddle presented a little different atmosphere than in the past. This year felt like we were celebrating a little bit more than just a “trick or treat” holiday. This year felt like we were celebrating coming together {yes, masks were required}, putting aside the “heaviness” of the outside world, enjoying one of our communities’ favorite rivers and just playing.
We had rafts, IK’s, kayaks . . . we had costumes from pizza and burgers to unicorns & bumble bees! There were smiles, laughter, swims, stoke . . . all the way down the river. And, THAT is why community is so important ~ it uplifts, it supports, it encourages, it is always there!
I cannot express how important and special the paddling community is to me . . . I may not know a lot of faces in the crowd these days . . . but, whether I know them or not, they are part of a family!
See you next year for the {10th???} Annual White Salmon Halloween Paddle? I don’t even know how long they’ve been going on. Haha!
Enjoy the pics!