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My old duplicator for DVDs caused me a bunch of grief this time
around in making a new DVD. Typically, as long as I can prove I have the
rights to the music I am good to go. This time around he refused to
duplicate the DVD until I created a separate license for the music. Since
the head guy, Mike, of 30 Amp Fuse (band) wasn’t around to do this, and
just kept sending me emails telling me to use any or all songs, the DVD
got stuck at the duplicator. They wouldn’t make it, and I couldn’t get in
front of Mike to do a license. We found another duplicator that was
willing to do the normal IPR forms (intellectual property rights) and I just
show them I have permission to use the music and off we go! That happened
on Friday. Look for the new 2008 "Strokes and Concepts: Kayaking with the
Jacksons" instructional DVD to be ready in a week. If you ordered one
already, you’ll be first on the list, but sorry it is taking so long.

Those who ordered them in the first week we offered it will receive a free,
original, "EJ’s Playboating Basics" as a thank you for being patient.

If you haven’t ordered yours, now is the time! Click here:
