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My Year in a Jackson Kayak! Cali, Japan and More!

I started paddling Jackson Kayaks this past April, and had an amazing season. My first day in the Villain, I went down Weber Creek at high water. Perhaps not the best choice for the first day in a new boat, but after a minor hick-up and adjustment, the boat and I were...

The Klamath Part I- The Upper

by Paul Gamache It’s 103 degrees out and I’m surrounded by poison oak. Oily reddish-green leaves litter my entire kayak. I shudder at the thought of sitting down in this poison, wishing there was a cold mountain stream beyond the bushes instead of the dam restrained...

WWGP Stage 1 Results- CHILE- VIDEO

[vimeo][/vimeo] Here is Dane’s Go Pro Footage of his entire run: [youtube][/youtube] Stage 1- Time Trials Race on the Gol Gol River in Chile. Dane...

A New Journey Begins

What do you get when you combine a new Jackson Kayak Journey, new Werner Performance Core paddles, and Sapporo Ichiban Hot & Spicy Chicken ramen noodles? Lots of extra energy! Led a small group to a remote campsite to watch the Leonid meteor shower. Decided it was...

Japan – The Hidden Whitewater Gem

This spring, I went on an amazing paddling trip to Japan. Prior to leaving for the trip, I had countless people question why I was going to Japan to kayak. ‘Is there good whitewater in Japan? Why are you going all the way to Japan when there’s kayaking in California?’...