My new Coosa Arrives by Jonn Graham | Jan 12, 2012 | Coosa, Trip Reports, United StatesJust got my new 2012 Coosa. I absolutely love the new color, Lowland Camo………..outstanding blend of colors. I was able to get out and do a float this past weekend. No fish…………..but an outstanding time. Here are a couple of...
The Coosa……..not just for rivers by Jonn Graham | Apr 8, 2011 | CoosaHere is fellow central Illinoisan, Andy Kraft enjoying the benefits of the Coosa on a local strip mine lake. I believe this was Andy’s first day in his new Coosa. He reported to me that he “is blown away by the Coosa”. While the Coosa is definitely a...
The Coosa’s Maiden River Voyage in IL by Jonn Graham | Mar 30, 2011 | Coosa, Fishing, Recreational/Touring, Trip ReportsThis past Wednesday saw myself, and fellow Coosa owner and fishing team member, Jim Jozwiak on the Vermilion River in Central Illinois. It was my first official river trip in the Coosa. All I can say is , WOW! The boat handled beautifully and was so comfortable to...
Coosa modification with pool noodles by Jonn Graham | Mar 1, 2011 | Coosa, Fishing, Team JKThe Coosa is my first kayak. Upon first seeing the boat, the scupper holes had me wondering. I was not afraid of water coming up through the holes, but I was thinking how many things I might drop down the holes while fishing. When it comes to losing things, I am a...
Happy New Coosa Owner! by Jonn Graham | Feb 28, 2011 | Coosa, Fishing, Recreational/Touring, Team JKWell, it happened! My Coosa was delivered yesterday to Central Illinois. What a great Wednesday. It fit on my truck rack just great and came home with me. Got home after dark so I could not get any good pics yet. But here is one of me on the porch with my new...