K.I.S.S by ericboyd | Sep 27, 2017 | Events, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, Rigging, United StatesIt is easy to overthink tournament day. It is just as easy to transform a kayak into a floating tackle box to make room for my overthought. I’ve been there on multiple occasions. I never know if there will be a frog bite in January. Heck, I might even have to...
Small Lake Kayak Fishing by Sam Hanggi | Sep 23, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, FreshwaterThroughout my home city of Knoxville TN, there are numerous small bodies of water that Id always dreamed of fishing, but because of heavily wooded banks, it made it nearly impossible without some kind of boat. But because the ponds are so isolated and hard to get too,...
Video – First on the Fly by Drew Ross | Sep 19, 2017 | Family Zone, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, Mayfly, VideoA good friends son has wanted to fly fish for a long time. He’s loves to fish but has never used a fly rod. Last weekend, while I was out paddling I noticed a large Hex hatch that had the bream feeding like crazy. I called my friend and we made plans to fish...
It’s Only Fishing by Jim Ware | Sep 12, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing SubjectsIn May of 2005 I had a wreck that almost killed me…I came out a changed man. I woke up to a sweet voice whispering my name. When I opened my eyes I knew something was extremely wrong, my whole body was stiff, my throat was raw and the hospital room was a dead...
One For the Money by joey monteleone | Sep 3, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Internationalisation, Lure reviews, Reviews, United Statesnvariably the question is eventually asked, “If you could only have one lure to catch bass what would it be?” Given the artificial lure avalanche created when I dump out a tackle box and the spectrum of lures available to today’s bass angler it seems like a crazy...
Binge Watch Hooked on Wild Waters Season 3 Right Here on JK.com! by Drew Gregory | Sep 2, 2017 | Coosa, Coosa HD, Cuda HD, Drew Gregory, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, Hooked on Wild Waters, Internationalisation, Media, United States, Video, VideoIf you haven’t seen any of the new episodes of Hooked on Wild Waters, this is your lucky day! Below are the first 4 episodes of Season 3, which focuses on river bassin’! You’ll see Drew take on the mighty Coosa River, for which the Jackson Kayak...
*Video* Sight Fishing Grass Carp from the JK Mayfly by Drew Ross | Sep 1, 2017 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, Mayfly, Media, VideoThe weather hasn’t been cooperative here lately. Lots of rain and windy days have made sight fishing difficult, if not impossible. But last week the weather got awesome for a few days and the fishing was on fire. The rain and cloudy days cooled the water on the...
Bully’s Bluegill Spider by Darrell Olson | Aug 26, 2017 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, Instructional, Mayfly, VideoFishing from the Jackson Mayfly is not a challenge but an adventure. Some days I just take the Mayfly out for just a standard fishing trip with a spinning rod or a bait caster for either a saltwater species or a freshwater species. When I decide the adventure will be...
A “Paddle Packed” interview with Andrew Stern, Branches, LLC Marketing Specialist. by Bill Schultz | Aug 18, 2017 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, ReviewsBill Schultz, Jackson Kayak, Bending Branches/Aqua-Bound National Pro Staffer, had a chance to discuss several interesting questions with Andrew Stern, Marketing Supervisor, Branches LLC, parent company for Bending Branches and Aqua-Bound Paddles. I have known...
Back To School by joey monteleone | Aug 4, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Internationalisation, Lure reviews, Rigging, United StatesA common phrase this time of year, “It’s back to school”. The same thing happens underwater. Many species, bass, crappie, bluegill, walleye and certainly baitfish fall into the category of “schoolers”. Some fish as they get bigger turn into loners, namely giant...
Florida Sunshine kayak fishing by Bart Swab | Jul 31, 2017 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, JK Media, Media, Saltwater, Saltwater Fishing, Trip Reports, TripsSummer 2017 has been a super exciting time. Between my guide business keeping me on the water most days and meeting family, friends and teammates all around Florida. I’ve spent nearly every day on the water this summer. The surf in St. Augustine has been fairly...
The addiction is real – video by Drew Ross | Jul 24, 2017 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, Mayfly, Media, VideoThose that like to fly fish will understand the addiction to sight fishing. It’s the hunt that we love. There’s something exciting about sneaking around in a kayak and waiting until you’ve located your target before making a presentation. Sometimes...