Devon Barker teaches all women’s playboating clinic on the Ottawa… by Will Richardson | Sep 13, 2005 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterSeptember 13, 2005 Hi EJ and Kristine, Thank you so much for all of your help on the Ottawa. I miss you all up here. I have been having a great time training and teaching. Left Side has been really bouncy and I am getting better at my backsurfing in the meat of the...
Salida Colorado has a great new hole in the park! by Will Richardson | Jun 16, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterJune 16, 2005 Mike Harvey has done it again, making his home town a sweet hole, right at the boat ramp! Last year we competed downstream at the lower hole, this year the top hole is awesome and makes for the best rodeo spot. It is only Tuesday, with three more days...
4 Fun Review by Will Richardson | Jun 13, 2005 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterJune 13, 2005 Eric: All the marketing is true – My new 4Fun is the most comfortable boat I’ve ever been in!! I turn 60 this year and was looking for something that didn’t torture me ( I moved from an Ace 5.1), yet still enables me to cartwheel and...
Michael writes in about the 2005 Jackson Kayak retrofit backband by Will Richardson | Jun 12, 2005 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterJune 12, 2005 EJ I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how satisfied I am with the new retrofitted backband. I have really long legs so my seat is all the way back in my 2004 4Fun. That left very little hand space for making adjustments to the old ratchet...
Story about little Brad moving from Fun 1 to Fun 1.5 on the Nanty by Will Richardson | Jun 5, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, Rockers, WhitewaterJune 5, 2005 Hey EJ, Another great weekend on the river. Took Brad over to Nantahal for his first solo run in a hard-shell. I was a little worried about cutting him loose, because he still doesn’t have a roll. But, what the heck, what’s a few swims among...
UK Paddler Cameron takes his 4 Fun for a spin by Will Richardson | Apr 14, 2005 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterApril 14, 2005 Hi Eric, A picture of my son Cameron 16 years in a 4Fun at Shepperton Weir (Thames) UK,. Welcome to use it in your gallery. It would boost his ego to see his photo on the web. Regards Graham ...
Kirsten from Kentucky hits the white water in her new Fun 1! by Will Richardson | Apr 13, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterApril 13, 2005 I got these today from our Chief Opperations Officer, John Ratliff which came from a buddy he paddled with in Kentucky, cool. EJ Saturday I had the privelidge to watch my good friend Adam Thomas take his little 7 year old girl Kirsten down the river for...
Milton Mann sends more photos of his little Fun 1er by Will Richardson | Apr 13, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterApril 13, 2005 Hey EJ, Had a great class with Leland Davis on the Tellico last weekend. Best part, got to watch Lauren fire up Baby Falls. Heck, I even made your picture section: Take care. Milton Mann PS: I’m looking forward to my little maniacs’ first...
Don Klein hits the Grand Canyon and a 7th grade class- cool! by Will Richardson | Apr 6, 2005 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterApril 6, 2005 Photos JK takes whitewater to 7th graders in Illinois Back in November of last year our Production Manager, Don Klein, was given the great oppurtunity to take a month off from building kayaks and go use his 4Fun on a 21 day Grand Canyon trip. On his...
I got this email from Devon Barker, she is teaching kids to paddle, sweet….! by Will Richardson | Apr 5, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterApril 5, 2005 This makes my heart stop for a beat or two. What a great way to be 10 years old! Next time you see Devon, tell her she is doing a great job. She is always helping people get into boating! Here is her email to me: Dear Kristine and EJ, This is my friend...
My Partner Tony Lunt gets to go kayaking again after one year off due to neck surgery! by Will Richardson | Mar 18, 2005 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterMarch 18, 2005 Tony had to try not to think about kayaking everyday because he had three vertebrae in his neck fused and was not allowed to go kayaking until they healed. He finally got to go and here is the note he sent me! Welcome back to kayaking Tony! 🙂 EJ Hi...
I got this email from Petteri, I don’t know what country he is from but this is cool! by Will Richardson | Mar 14, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterI got this email from Petteri, I don’t know what country he is from but this is cool! March 14, 2005 Here’s my kid taking the advantage of his new toy. He doesn’t care much about eskimorolling: Loops are way more fun. Too much, too soon ? 🙂 Video...