Bienville Plantation Adventure: TENvitational/The TEN 2019 by Jean Wilson | May 3, 2019 | Coosa FD, Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, TournamentsMy world opened up a little wider recently when I had the honor of an invitation from Chad Hoover of Kayak Bass Fishing to fish and film a show with him during the KBF Dee Zee TENvitational and The TEN 2019 tournaments at Bienville Plantation, Florida.The plan was to...
DEAR NOVEMBER, I LOVE YOU by Scott Myers | Dec 26, 2018 | Cuda HD, Fishing, KilroyThere’s a lot of great reasons to look forward to November in Louisiana – it’s finally cooling off, the summer thunderstorms aren’t as prevalent, and redfishing is still great at the same time that speckled trout are moving into kayak reach in the marsh....
Some Top-water Fishing for Largemouth on Lake Erie , Cuda LT Cuda HD and the Kilroy, by Ivan Hamilton | Nov 19, 2018 | Cuda HD, Cuda LT, Fishing, Kilroy, Uncategorized, Video
Lake Couchiching Pike and a Paddle ON. Cuda HD, Cuda LT, and a KIlroy by Ivan Hamilton | Sep 16, 2018 | Cuda HD, Cuda LT, Fishing, Kilroy, VideoA Morning out on Lake Couchiching. Doing some Kayak fishing Jerry with a Couple Pike. Made the day of fishing worth it, Also a Smallmouth just over 18inch ..(Sorry no video of the Bass) Was a little windy, but all went...
Bowfishing On The Cuda HD by Tanner Speidel | Aug 1, 2018 | Cuda HD, Fishing, VideoEarlier this season while kayaking a local backwater area, I noticed hundreds of carp feeding on the surface. The northern pike were nowhere to be found so i decided to switch gears. I had to blow the dust of my bow and head back to the backwater. Bowfishing is a...
St. Augustine Kayak Fishing Charters and Eco-tours with Action Kayak Adventures. Why I use Jackson Kayaks. Part 1 by Bart Swab | May 20, 2018 | Cuda, FishingIn 2012 Jackson Kayak released the original Cuda. At this point there was no need for the Cuda14, Cuda12 or CudaHD name, because it was the only Cuda model available at the time. I had been personally using a few other kayak brands for my business and personal use and...
BKA Lake Cumberland Event Recap by teamjk | May 8, 2018 | Cuda HD, Event Coverage, Events, Fishing, Tournaments, Wrap UpsWe pulled up to the pre tournament meeting at 5:00am. Exactly thirteen hours since we had departed from Titusville Florida. I have to admit, stepping out of the truck Into the freezing air of southern Kentucky wasn’t the greatest. Especially since the day before we...
Kayak Bass Fishing in COLD Water by Tim Thao | Mar 16, 2018 | Cuda HD, Fishing, VideoWinter kayak fishing is challenging but rewarding time to fish. A lot of big fish are caught during the winter to early spring. The most important part of fishing this time of year is being confident in yourself and fish your strengths. Thanks to my Jackson Cuda HD I...
Florida- where crocodiles dance with sea trouts by Kai Raebiger | Mar 1, 2018 | Coosa HD, Fishing, UncategorizedMy goodness, In late autumn last year my friend and teammate Dennis got to know somebody named Marco who owns some property in Florida and is heavily into fishing. A few months ago he became heavily interested in kayak fishing too and decided that it is about time to...
Jerry’s New Cuda HD Fishing Kayak by teamjk | Feb 4, 2018 | Cuda HD, Fishing, Uncategorized, VideoJerry’s first weekend with his new Cuda HD Fishing Kayak . Looks like he is going to enjoy it very much so, Lets’s have a quick look at it, – Ivan Hamilton
My Jackson Cuda LT by teamjk | Jan 17, 2018 | Cuda LT, FishingStill loving it, I picked my Jackson Cuda LT up back in 2015 and have never looked back, Well only to see who’s behind me. When I first seen the Jackson Cuda LT the shine of the light weight thermoform really caught my eye, Coming in at 57lbs 64lbs with the seat...
Nebraska Pike Fishing on the Cuda HD by Tanner Speidel | Dec 13, 2017 | Cuda HD, Fishing, VideoThis past November I had the opportunity to travel to the Sand Hills of Nebraska and chase Northern Pike. On a mission for Bending Branches to capture some shots using their newly redesigned angler series paddles. Professional photographer Dustin Doskocil (Doskophoto)...