Cold and Frustrated: Stories from Stakeout: Season 2: Episode 4 by sethashworth | Jun 2, 2019 | Playboating, rivers, Rockstar 4.0, Trip Reports, Trips, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesAfter the end of a wild month of kayaking Andi heads home and seth does some kayaking....
American Whitewater: Stewards of America’s waterways and outdoor recreation by teamjk | May 30, 2019 | WhitewaterThe roar of Steelhead Falls on Washington’s White Salmon River reverberates off the basalt walls of the beautiful river canyon, this is what the impact of American Whitewater feels like. It is hard for anyone to look at a free-flowing wilderness river and not...
The struggle is real by teamjk | May 30, 2019 | FishingTournament season is upon us in full force and with that comes the stress of trying to find fish, pattern fish and catch fish. All the while the clock is ticking. Many of us in the kayak fishing community are competitive, some enjoy the camaraderie, others enjoy the...
Unleashed 2019 by teamjk | May 30, 2019 | Austria, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesIt was 6:00 am, my phone rang. Super sleepy I tried to grab it and checked what’s up. “SEND tagged you in a post”. What post did they tag me in? That’s worth a look! I opened it. “Congrats to all the people who are on the list above, you...
Test Ride, And First time Kayak Fishing, And It’s from A Jackson Coosa FD by Ivan Hamilton | May 30, 2019 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Video
Cold and Frustrated: Stories from Stakeout: Season 2: Episode 3 by sethashworth | May 29, 2019 | Video, WhitewaterAndi runs through his visualisation strategy to try and catch his freestyle paddling up with the competition. Then he trys it out in the real world....
Growing Your Local Kayaking Community by joshtidwell | May 29, 2019 | Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesDo you wish you had more buddies to go kayak fishing with? Want to see increased participation in your local kayak fishing club? Do you just want more people to care about the local waterways that you hold dear? What if I told you there was a simple and fun way to do...
2019 Doe River Cleanup by wildwildwes | May 28, 2019 | WhitewaterOn May 11, 2019 the Appalachian Paddling Enthusiasts joined forces with the Overmountain Chapter Trout Unlimited, Northeast Tennessee Regional Economic Partnership and the Roan Mountain Community Park to host one of the largest cleanup efforts ever attempted on the...
Lighting up your yak! by Chuck Bahan | May 28, 2019 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalI’ve always wanted to add LED lights to my kayak. I’ve seen a few guys with them, but I wanted a different setup which also had the opportunity to charge my cell phone, etc. After doing a little research I came up with a solution. Once I figured out the...
BigRig HDFD Walkthrough by Scott Brands | May 27, 2019 | Fishing, VideoHere is a walkthrough of the new Jackson Kayak BigRig HDFD....
Jackson Cruise FD my kayak and transducer setup by teamjk | May 26, 2019 | Cruise FD, Fishing, VideoHere is a bit of a rundown of how I have my Jackson kayak setup, showing rod holders, Garmin sounder with transducer in hull setup, trolley, camera positions. – Craig...
The Importance of Mentorship in Whitewater Kayaking and Rafting by teamjk | May 26, 2019 | WhitewaterMy first experience kayaking in a river, I flipped over, hit my head, and received seven stitches above my right eye. That was when I decided I would learn from someone who knew what they were doing. Whitewater mentors are able to teach us to be safe, have fun, know...