River clean ups are good fish karma by Brian Cadoret | Feb 27, 2019 | Big Rig, Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesHow many times have you brought a friend or client to a favorite area to fish and it’s been recently trashed? Empty coffee cups, beer cans, styrofoam worm containers, household trash, appliances, tires are what I see often. It’s very disappointing to see that folks...
JKreate Low Modification by teamjk | Feb 26, 2019 | Accessories, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, JK-Rate (J Krate)This little bit is on some modifications I made on my JKrate Low to better fit my fishing needs. The JKrate Low is great in itself and come ready to go straight from the factory to attach and go. I upgraded to the JKrate Low after using a modified milk create for...
Why I’m looking forward to the Big Rig HD/FD in 2019… by Jason Griffith | Feb 25, 2019 | Big Rig, Fishing, Reviews2019 is quickly upon us and with the crazy advancements we’ve seen in our industry over the last several years, it’s becoming more and more common for anglers to more frequently purchase the latest and greatest kayak to fit their needs. I am no different, and...
Things to consider when choosing your paddling partners . . . by heatherherbeck | Feb 24, 2019 | WhitewaterEveryone has different templates on the type of people they enjoy paddling with, but here are just a few of my thoughts and some characteristics I look for and expect of my close paddling circle when I take on challenging whitewater. The harder and...
Building a Versatile Kayak Trailer by Sean Herp | Feb 24, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalWhen I bought my first “real” kayak (a Jackson Kayak Big Rig), I had a full-sized pickup. I put ladder racks in the bed which were removable so I could mount the kayak up to and wouldn’t have to worry about it sticking out too far. Occasionally, I would use our...
Spending 26 days in the winter, covering Florida’s longest river, The St.Johns River. by Bart Swab | Feb 23, 2019 | Coosa FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Subjects, Kraken, Outdoor Adventures, Trip Reports, TripsFifteen days into a twenty-six day kayak fishing trip and it was finally happening. A bite! At first picking up a couple nice large mouth bass, then the stripers turned on. Most fishermen know Lake George as a great bass fishing lake, with miles of...
Have You Tried the “Ned Rig”? by Bill Schultz | Feb 23, 2019 | FishingI began hearing about the Ned Rig, (or, Midwest Rig) in 2015. It’s named for Ned Kehde, Lawrence, Kansas, who is credited with developing it and using it with success since the 1960’s. Now, an active 77-year-old fishing guide, outdoor writer and retired...
Early winter bass fishing on the west coast by William Pfingst | Feb 22, 2019 | FishingEarly winter fishing can be frustrating for most and I would be the one probably leading the pack. That’s why it’s good to bring a friend to help figure out what could be a bad day of fishing might turn out to be a great day, worst case scenario you get some great...
Story of 2018 by teamjk | Feb 21, 2019 | Internationalisation, Poland, Reviews, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, WhitewaterIt is a time for recap of 2018 and bring couple of highlights. It has been crazy year for me and even more full with adventures than any other with some life changing events. Hope you enjoy the read! Most important is that I managed to keep on paddling with my friends...
Paddler or Angler? by teamjk | Feb 21, 2019 | Coosa, FishingSince I can remember I have loved fishing and paddling, but had not combined to two until I was introduced to Jackson Kayaks in 2012 by my local Jackson Kayak Dealer MEFCOR Outdoors. After getting a Jackson Coosa it became very apparent to me that you could...
Its a Jackson Kind of time!! by teamjk | Feb 20, 2019 | FishingWhat better place to paddle your Jackson Kayak then on Jackson Lake here in northern Alberta within the Lakeland Provincial Park. In the dead of this past summer on a whim the night before, I called my good buddy Curtis J. to see if he was up for an adventure!!...
Top 5 family friendly paddling locations (North America) to check out this summer by Vincent Family | Feb 19, 2019 | Family Zone, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterWe have been lucky enough to paddle in different areas across North America over the last few years. Some of these locations were fabulous for families and some were harder to work around, for a variety of reasons. When I think about what makes a great family friendly...