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Oak shore adventures

This will be a two part story because, the first one I will talk about include friends Clay Guida, Chad Mendes and Brian Grant. It’s was Chad’s and Brian’s first time kayak angling. The second adventure I will be writing about is a local Ncka (Northern California...

Small Lake Kayak Fishing

Throughout my home city of Knoxville TN, there are numerous small bodies of water that Id always dreamed of fishing, but because of heavily wooded banks, it made it nearly impossible without some kind of boat. But because the ponds are so isolated and hard to get too,...

Feeling Froggy

I was first introduced to “frog fishing” a few years ago. It was later in the summer and I was going fishing with a local tournament angler on Lake Guntersville. In planning the logistics, he asked if I had a frog set up. At first I thought this was one of those...

Keep It Clean

Every weekend I tend to get a hard time from my buddies because my kayaks and my truck are pretty clean. Now I will admit that I feel like my equipment needs to be clean so that it is even more appealing to an on looker that may have interest in checking out the brand...

Fish Are Just A Bonus

July has been a busy but a good month. I’ve had a bit of writers block and have been struggling to come up with a topic that I could blog on. After an entire month of fishing with friends old and new, I know my topic. This month really has not been about the fish as...

Lake Time

It’d been a long week at the office with everyone gearing up for a massive trade show. Luckily there’s a lake 4 minutes from my office, right in front of an airport runway, so on Friday a few of us grabbed a Karma UL, Karma Traverse, and a Tupelo with the...

The Great Disconnect

In 2017 in the world of snap chat, emoji’s and other technological roadblocks the time we get to truly communicate with our children and family is up to us, we as outdoor enthusiasts and Kayakers have to make the extra effort to go above and beyond the quick response...

The Crazy Journey

It’s been a Bass Crazy 2 and a half months since joining the team at Jackson Kayak in late February. Being honest it has been one of the most fun journeys I have started to date. The team has allowed the some great opportunities to be out on the road shaking hands,...