Jackson Kayak Fun1 Review by Taiga Schorr by Nikki Rekman | Feb 26, 2013 | Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterI met Taiga, two years ago when we paddled down the Green River in Utah. Also with us were our friends Leon Somme and Shawna Franklin from Body Boat Blade and Erik Schorr (Taiga’s dad) of Anacortes Kayak Tours. I recently asked Taiga if he would be interested in...
2013 Star on the Ottawa River: Big Water River Running Review by Emily Jackson | Dec 26, 2012 | Whitewater The past few weeks have been filled with family fun activities and getting ready for the holidays. We trekked up to Canada to spend the beginning of December with Nicks family in celebration of Christmas. We ended up bringing our kayaking gear knowing that both...
Abby Holcombe- 7 yrs Old Shares why She loves Kayaking and her Fun 1- Reddy! by JK Team | May 2, 2012 | Family Zone, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterFavorite Kayak and Why- My red Jackson-Fun 1 named “Reddy”, It is a kids size but just as good as my Dad’s Rockstar Favorite River and Why- Upper Deckers on the South Platte because it has easy parts and challenging parts with a perfect surf wave for Reddy and a great...