Escaping the Polar Vortex in St. Augustine Florida by Bart Swab | May 2, 2019 | FishingGenerally when we think of people running south for the winter, it’s our neighbors in the far north. This winter had a blistering cold front that consumed most of the northeast and pushed bitter weather all the way into the southeastern states. ...
The Last Whisper of Winter by joey monteleone | May 1, 2019 | Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesDepending on your geographic location takes on a different meaning and feel. In Tennessee we are blessed with four seasons. You learn, if you want to catch fish consistently, how to deal with a large variety of water and weather conditions. You can’t will winter gone...
Cutting Weight Through Winter by teamjk | Mar 25, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, RiggingWell I been accused of carrying my weight in gear over the past season whether it be on a boat or my kayak. I load for battling beasts as I’m always afraid of running out when the bite is on. Well since I’m making the cut I figured I would document my process of...
Winter Motivation by Mike Shaw | Mar 24, 2019 | WhitewaterAs soon as the leaves start to change and the clocks go back, it looms on the horizon like a blot on your prosperity, its shadow lengthening as its clammy embrace sucks you ever nearer. The year is rushes towards its end and January will be even worse! It’s like the...
Texas Sized Trout by dustinnichols | Mar 23, 2019 | Fishing, VideoDreary weather, overcast skies and drizzle? Grab your rain gear and don’t let the weather keep you off the water. During the transition from Winter to Spring in the Coastal Bend of Texas we get quite a few of those dreary days. If you are not scared of the...
Spending 26 days in the winter, covering Florida’s longest river, The St.Johns River. by Bart Swab | Feb 23, 2019 | Coosa FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Subjects, Kraken, Outdoor Adventures, Trip Reports, TripsFifteen days into a twenty-six day kayak fishing trip and it was finally happening. A bite! At first picking up a couple nice large mouth bass, then the stripers turned on. Most fishermen know Lake George as a great bass fishing lake, with miles of...
Early winter bass fishing on the west coast by William Pfingst | Feb 22, 2019 | FishingEarly winter fishing can be frustrating for most and I would be the one probably leading the pack. That’s why it’s good to bring a friend to help figure out what could be a bad day of fishing might turn out to be a great day, worst case scenario you get some great...
James River Fall Winter Antix by Adam Swett | Feb 12, 2019 | Antix, Internationalisation, River Running, United States, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThe James River in Richmond Virginia has been awesome last fall and this winter so far. It has rained so much here that for a kayaker it has been like a dream come true. Rain and more rain has made some incredible flows and floods here with consistent high water with...
Winter Blues Buster by teamjk | Feb 4, 2019 | Coosa FD, FishingIf you’re like me and live in the north, it gets cold. Not just “where do the fish go when I’m paddling in the cold”, but the “Oh look! There’s 32 inches of ice over my favorite lake” kind of cold. Its one the biggest issues facing kayak anglers in the...
Kayaking In A Winter Wonderland by Micah Kneidl | Jan 24, 2019 | WhitewaterCaldwell, Idaho is home to Indian Creek Plaza and perhaps the best Christmas light display in the state. Last year, a few guys local to the area paddled through the Christmas light display and the spectators loved it, so these guys tried to organize a larger event for...
Winter Smallmouth by teamjk | Jan 3, 2019 | Coosa FD, FishingAs the open water season begins to wind down and the cold weather moves in many kayak anglers find themselves shying away from going out in these less than ideal conditions. There is still a plethora of opportunities to get out and on some fish right up until first...
Shoshone New Years Day Paddle 2019 by kelloggfamily | Jan 3, 2019 | River Running, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesEvery 1st of January a bunch of nuts that love white water all meet up at noon to paddle the Shoshone rapids of the Colorado River. Some years are warmer than other years but nobody lets the cold stop them from starting the New Year off right. A few days before the...