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March 9, 2006

Daniel DeLaVergne died yesterday after massive head injuries after being struck by a train in a tunnel. Daniel, best known for his LVM videos, as well as the Seven Rivers Expedition has been a major force in kayaking media for many years. Making a big impact on the kayak scene in 1999 with the IR Triple Crown, USA Team Trials, and then launching LVM, Daniel brought great footage, unique perspectives, and a tireless work ethic to the creating of whitewater videos. At 28 years old, Daniel’s impact on the world at large was only beginning, making this loss a great one to the kayaking world, and most importantly to his circle of friends and family.

We will always remember him, as he has left behind so many of his own creations that we will be constantly reminded of how much one person can do in just a moment in time.

🙂 EJ