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Journey though Sequim Bay

Today we had a rare opportunity to not just paddle, but paddle alone in Sequim Bay Washington with some fun curious seals! The early morning was calm and the tide was up since the moon was so full and the bay was quiet and peaceful. We pulled the Journey 14 &...

Early Morning on Lookout Creek

I generally equate introducing favorite boating haunts to folks looking for new experiences to the process of setting friends up on blind dates. Talk about what could be a wild “Journey!” Things will either work or they won’t; though hopefully, at the very least, we...

Buffalo National River

My husband Tom and I from a wonderful weekend together on the Buffalo.. Sometimes we tone down the flows and just spend some time together as a couple. a 20-30 mile trip on the buffalo is just the thing to help us reconnect and reminds us what started the obsession...

The Big One

I LOVE MY JOURNEY! I’ll paddle my Journey almost anywhere in (almost) any conditions, day or night. The photo was taken while paddling 6-8 foot seas on the Pacific Ocean in Ventura County, CA. Carefully scanning the horizon, I noticed something big heading my...


I love kayaking the flowage near my home in northern Wisconsin. I fell in love with the serenity kayaking brings several years ago. I have been using a family member’s kayak for the last year (unfortunately not a Jackson) and she wants it back. I am currently...

JKTV Episode 3 is Live!

Sorry about the two day delay for our USA friends, but YouTube blocked our episode in the USA due to a song that used some Bob Marley lyrics.     Dane got it sorted out late last night!   Every country but USA could view it… interesting… Anyhow- this...

For Navigational Use Only

Photo: I LOVE MY JOURNEY! I’ll paddle it almost anywhere in (almost) any conditions, day or night. The photo was taken after the sun fell below the horizon, while paddling in 6-8 foot seas on the Pacific Ocean in Ventura County, CA. Turned on the “nav...

after 5 hours what a view

I just want one, an all-star whitewater special for the next phase of my kayak madness. Got the slow rivers sorted in a touring yak, but now want to play in the surf with style and finess…