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Exploring Mono Lake by Kayak

Did you ever want to paddle an inland sea that’s water is 10x saltier than the ocean? A place where brine shrimp thrive, and birds come by the millions to feast on an all you can eat shrimp buffet.  Given the chance, would you paddle on the moon (if it had water)? A...

2013 – My Last Year as a Cadet

I wanted to tell you thank you for all of the support that you have given me over the years and especially this last year. I am looking forward to 2014 to move out of Cadets and into Junior Men’s competition. I have finally grown out of my Shooting Star and now...

The Living Room Test

I just received my new 2013 Super Star and Karma. The first thing I have to say is that I LOVE the new “Fire N Ice” color! It is awesome! So at first glance the new Star looks a lot like the Rock Star, short, bulby and squared off end. I just had to drag both boat...

Kayaking with Kids

When people see us on the river, they always assume we are a school … at a minimum there are 5 paddlers, at most there are 10! We try to balance our days with fun (epic) paddling for the older kids and fun (and safe) paddling for the younger kids. With kids,...

Creeking the Sheep River -Alberta

Dave Crerar Pavel Bendl As the pincher creek festival got up and running our group was steadily increasing in size, as is the norm at kayaking festivals. I was definitely a little keen this weekend and suggested  hitting up two different runs on the way down to the...

Spring Break: Super Hero vs. Villain

[youtube] [/youtube] Just before Spring Break, reality hit me. I will never experience another Spring Break ever again. With this being noted, I immediately started brainstorming how to close out beloved Spring Breaks in a...