Canadian Freestyle team trials by teamjk | Jan 7, 2019 | Canada, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThe Canadian team trials took place in Kananaskis, Alberta at a sweet little hole called Chubbies. Before the lead up to this event I hadn’t really done much real hole boating, only messing around on the wave holes on the Ottawa so this was a big change from...
River Bassin NC 2018 by teamjk | Dec 30, 2018 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, River Bassin Tournament, Tournaments, Wrap UpsFishing rivers has become one of the most enchanting pastimes for me. Getting the kayak out on a section of flowing water, even if you have floated a section a thousand times, and waiting for the unexpected to be seen or happen quickly became my favorite way to target...
Abby’s Year End Review! by Abby Holcombe | Dec 30, 2018 | Event Coverage, Whitewater, Wrap UpsYear End Review Summary: This year was one of my best kayaking years yet! I learned many new freestyle tricks including Cartwheels, Splitwheels, Back Blunts, Orbits, McNasties and more which I am so excited about! My year started off with a 285-mile self-support Grand...
The Magic of Puesco Fest by kalobgrady | Dec 21, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, Wrap UpsEnchanted, beautiful, full of wonder. The Puesco valley is shaped by magic as the waters of the Trancura River pull the energy from the mountains down throughout the gorge, providing an uplift for all those along its way. The Puesco valley is a...
My Top 5 Kayaking Moments of 2018 by katelyngreen | Dec 15, 2018 | Whitewater2018 was a pretty exciting year for me as a kayaker, and having had so many great things happen this year makes me really look forward to what’s coming up next. I wanted to share my top five moments of 2018 to reflect on what really made this year great; I’d love to...
Kayak Fishing 2018 Recap part 1 by Justin Hausner | Nov 2, 2018 | Coosa FD, Event Coverage, Events, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, River Bassin Tournament, Tournaments, Wrap UpsKayak Fishing in NY for 2018 This year was a year with a lot of firsts for me. I was blessed to be able to take over the New York Kayak Bass Fishing tournament series for the first complete year. NYKBF is a tournament series that spans throughout the great state of...
Halloween Paddle on the White Salmon 2018 by heatherherbeck | Nov 1, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Uncategorized, United States, WhitewaterNot much water, but tons of Ghosts and Goblins We’ve lived along the banks of the White Salmon River for over 13 years. And, it has NEVER FAILED that when the Annual Halloween Paddle would happen, we’d either have just the right amount of water to paddle the...
Younguns Freestyle series by teamjk | Oct 29, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThe 2018 Younguns Freestyle has finished now and it has been amazing. This is a really great series of competitions for youth paddlers (18 and under) where the focus is on having fun more than the results (that doesn’t mean that it isn’t competitive). There is always...
Feather Fest by sagedonnelly | Oct 18, 2018 | Creeking, Event Coverage, Events, rivers, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThe Feather River… where do I even begin with the Feather River? It is an incredible canyon that has fueled my kayaking since I was too small to fit in my little Jackson Kayak Side Kick. I learned how to boof, read different lines, measure consequences, different...
Hometown Throwdowns by katelyngreen | Oct 15, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Playboating, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThis past summer I was able to put together two really successful Hometown Throwdowns at my local playspot called Tville on the Farmington River. Hometown Throwdowns are grassroots paddling events that are all for fun and are meant to get people excited about paddling...
Go Fast and Take Chances, but Stay Stoked! by eliottbertz | Oct 14, 2018 | 2014 Karma Unlimited, Creeking, Event Coverage, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesIt’s racing season boys and girls. The leaves are starting to change colors and long boats are showing up on the southeastern rivers in full force. For me, the stoke is high for this racing season even though I may be on the sidelines for most of it. Although I...
Good Step Forward for Noli Wild & Scenic by wildwildwes | Oct 13, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, WhitewaterI organized several advocates together a few weeks ago to host a VIP paddle trip for a local state legislator. A good productive time was had by all who were a part! American Whitewater Reports: Butts in boats! File this under how to build support for new Wild and...