Boat Control will help you catch more fish by stephenhrynewycz | Jan 31, 2019 | Coosa FD, FishingBoat control, like a perfectly placed cast, will help you catch more fish. You want to get in position with a stealthy approach and maintain that position. In some situations on a body of water that means getting there with my kayak, parking it and wading to get to...
Tourney Time Already!! by dustinnichols | Jan 30, 2019 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing TournamentA TOURNAMENT ALREADY Yes… is that time here in south Texas, didn’t I just fish my last tournament in December? Not much down time here as we fish year round. A new Trail series has joined the many other events that we have here in Texas. The Southeast...
11 Quick Tips For Instant Kayak Roll Improvement by katelyngreen | Jan 29, 2019 | Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionRolling is a huge landmark in kayaking progression, but for a lot of folks, it can oftentimes feel like there are roadblocks every step of the way. The winter time is a great time to practice rolling in a local pool. Whether you’ve lost your roll, or are learning to...
Turn Down for What by Johnathan Alijets | Jan 29, 2019 | Fishing, VideoSometimes the fishing is so good in one area you’ve got to drop the stake out pole and hang out a...
Big Air Kayak Sledding With Jackson Kayaks by kelloggfamily | Jan 28, 2019 | Family Zone, Video, WhitewaterWhitewater kayakers who live in Colorado, or most of the West for that matter, don’t have many opportunities to get in their boats in the winter. For the most part, we focus 100% of our time on winter sports, like snowboarding, ice hockey and snowmobiling. However,...
Kayak Positioning and Angles Are Key by Tim Thao | Jan 28, 2019 | FishingHaving the nice rod and reels and the premium baits are great, but there is another small detail people tend to miss when it comes to have a good day of fishing to having an amazing day. This detail is the ability to have total control of your kayak. Knowing your...
Important Things to Know about the Jackson Kayak Liska by Matt Cunningham | Jan 27, 2019 | Fishing, LiskaAs you might have guessed it, this article is about some important things you should know before purchasing a Jackson Kayak Liska. First off, the Liska is a very stable kayak and it would take me some effort to get it to flip over. Honestly, I really think that I...
Montros Madness by teamjk | Jan 26, 2019 | Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThe first annual M-Wave Fest was like no other event I have ever been to before. M-wave is a wave near Montrose Colorado that is formed in a concrete irrigation ditch in the middle of absolute nowhere. It is an incredibly fast moving, slightly shallow feature just...
3 FISHING TIPS TO START THE NEW YEAR by David Roberts | Jan 26, 2019 | FishingWell just like that, we are on the verge of starting a new year and I am still questioning what happened to 2018. However with the year coming to an end and with the start of a new one, this is a perfect opportunity to prepare yourself for the upcoming year. Many...
Thompson River PFD by wildwildwes | Jan 25, 2019 | Video, WhitewaterThompson River AW BETA: Dennis Gilfillan, Josh Dalton, Matt Dalton and I were blessed with the perfect day to get our Thompson personal first descent with bluebird skies, great medium level and temp over...
Legends of the Fall by teamjk | Jan 25, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Lure reviews, RiggingNow before you start thinking I’m a Brad Pitt fan, I’m not. It just so happens that I was thinking about what lures I use to try to entice slow-to-bite or lethargic smallies in cold autumn water. Well when I was researching a little, I found lots of videos that people...
Kayaking In A Winter Wonderland by Micah Kneidl | Jan 24, 2019 | WhitewaterCaldwell, Idaho is home to Indian Creek Plaza and perhaps the best Christmas light display in the state. Last year, a few guys local to the area paddled through the Christmas light display and the spectators loved it, so these guys tried to organize a larger event for...