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It’s all relative to me

It’s all relative to me

Remember your first year of paddling? Everything was new, likely it all looked big and scary. You didn’t quite have the river experience you needed to make your way down the river stable in your boat, let alone have a dry hair day. It was all a completely new world....
Breaking down an unknown lake.

Breaking down an unknown lake.

I’ve been kayak fishing for the last 6 years.  I came from the bass boat tournament scene and due to personal circumstances I was forced to sell my boat.  I wasn’t going to go back to “bank fishing” so I decided to keep some money from the sale of my boat to...
Freestyle in Mexico

Freestyle in Mexico

It’s a pretty typical start to a kayaking story. Drive to the airport, flight to Mexico City booked. Weasel your way into getting the boat on the plane. From North America, only a couple quick connections on a cheap flight, an overly expensive airport lunch, and...
Why I Still Love The Liska

Why I Still Love The Liska

In several of my previous blogs I have talked about my Liska to which I refer to most of the time as “Blue”. I’ve spent close to a year and a half in the Liska with a few other Jackson Kayak models sprinkled in between. As a matter of fact there are 2 newer, shiny...