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Muskies Out West

Muskies Out West

Kevin and I had some big plans to head East and chase some new species. We left Sunday morning with some high hopes and made the long drive to a new lake. When we got there in the late afternoon we were greeted with some prettier sights than what we imagined, but some...
Charles City Whitewater River Clean Up

Charles City Whitewater River Clean Up

Charles City Whitewater Clean Up Prior to Charles City’s annual event, I hosted a river clean up with Charles City Whitewater, Charles City Chamber, and the Charles City Parks and Rec Department. Paddlers from near and far gathered for pre-vent whitewater fun and...


Shad-Oh You name it a largemouth bass will eat it. If it fits in their mouth and they can catch it’s a meal. Any creature in or around the water is fair game. Snakes, birds, frogs, bugs, even baby bass but they love crawfish but what they end up dining on more than...
New Whitewater Park in Eagle, Colorado

New Whitewater Park in Eagle, Colorado

The Eagle Whitewater Park was built in 2019. Overall, it is a fine spot for locals at high water (2700 cfs). I haven’t seen it at other levels. At 2700 cfs, the top feature was unusable. The second feature was good for surfing. The third feature was the best...
Mid-Year Maintenance

Mid-Year Maintenance

The majority of anglers around the country have reached or will soon reach, the half way point of their seasons. I like to take this time to do some routine and preventative maintenance to ensure all of my gear is in top notch working order. It can all be done in less...
Soggy Smallies

Soggy Smallies

To say this years spring  weather has been a bit wacky is an understatement. The spring here in the midwest like most of the country was extremely cold and wet. Here locally the wet weather has caused a myriad of issues with record high lake levels on Lake Erie...
Let’s Talk About Training

Let’s Talk About Training

With an ever increasing number of workout fads, exercise classes, and overpriced gym memberships, it’s hard to know what’s really best for your body. It seems these days everyone is talking about their great new workout routine which promises to slam them into the...