The Art of Awesome by Hilde Schweitzer | Dec 23, 2021 | Blogroll, Featured Post,, JAdventures Main Banner, Nick Troutman, rivers, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, WW DisciplinesDecembers have always been a time of reflection. Looking back on what has been but also looking forward to what might be. I am not a podcast person. It is hard for me to set aside an hour plus or minus to pay attention to anything, let alone some self help or...
How to Teach kids to kayak video series 5/5: Running rapids on their own by nicktroutman | Dec 17, 2019 | Dynamic Duo, Family Zone, Fun, JAdventures Main Banner, Nick Troutman, River Running, Whitewater, Whitewater FeatureHow to Teach kids to kayak video series 5/5: Running rapids on their own. Here is the fifth and final piece of my 5-piece mini series teaching kids to kayak. In this episode I talk about getting your kids out into whitewater and running some easy rapids on their own....
Jackson Kayak MixMaster Debuts on Ocoee!!! by ericjackson | Feb 10, 2018 | Internationalisation, MixMaster, Playboating, United States, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesEJ Blasting Broken Nose in his new MixMaster 7.0… OK, so I have been paddling slicey boats and designing slicey boats with David Knight since the 90’s. With the creation of the X, XXX, and Forplay designs we created a trend that...
EJ’s Gives Some Beta/Insight into the 2017 World Championships by ericjackson | Nov 23, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, EJ, Event Coverage, Internationalisation, Playboating, the athlete, United States, Whitewater, WW Disciplines Official Program for the 2017 World Freestyle Championships Starts Tomorrow! Today is the final day of open practice for the World Championships here in San Juan, Argentina. Starting tomorrow the day is divided up by National Teams and...
Sickline- World Extreme Kayak Championships- 2014 by ericjackson | Oct 7, 2014 | Whitewater, Wrap UpsThe Alps are an impressive range of mountains. The Tirol section of Austria is a rugged, beautiful Alpine mountain area, with quaint villages, glacier fed rivers, like the Oetz, where the Sickline World Extreme Championships are held each year in early October. It...
EJ’s Gauley Fest update 2014… Photos… by ericjackson | Sep 21, 2014 | Karma Unlimited, WhitewaterThis was a whirlwind Gauley for the Jackson family. We left Rock Island on Thursday in time to eat at Pies and Pints that night, the Cathedral in the morning and then a Karma run on Friday for Nick and I on the Upper, while Dane, Emily, Courtney, and Alec paddled...
Whitewater Grand Prix: Stage 5: Freestyle: Results/video by nicktroutman | May 11, 2014 | Events, Featured Post, JK Team Posts, Playboating, Rockstar Carbon, Team JK, Trip Reports, Video, WhitewaterWe just finished up the 5th Stage of the Whitewater Grand Prix. It was the last freestyle event on such an amazing feature. It felt like a slightly smaller but faster Skookumchuck wave. The format was everyone got four 1 minute rides, with your best ride counting. Out...
Whitewater Grand Prix: Stage 4: Big Wave Freestyle: Results/vide by nicktroutman | May 9, 2014 | Featured Post, JK Team Posts, Trip Reports, Video, WhitewaterThe WWGP has completed the 4th Stage. A freestyle competition held on the wave Black Mass on the Mistassibi River. The format was 2 minutes rides with your best 3 tricks scored. It was a great day with tons of huge tricks, massive airs and some epic wipeouts. I had my...
Stage 1 Whitewater Grand Prix- “Freestyle Big Trick”- Gladiator Wave by ericjackson | Apr 29, 2014 | EJ Thoughts, Whitewater, Wrap UpsStage 1: Whitewater Grand Prix- “Freestyle- Big Trick”- Gladiator Wave” 35 paddlers (27 men and 7 women) competed today on Gladiator Wave. The Ottawa Valley gave us a wonderful spring day with Sunny weather and high of 55 degrees. The format for...
T’Ville Triple Crown Results by ericjackson | Apr 15, 2014 | the athlete, Whitewater, Wrap Ups New England Championships were on Saturday and the Triple Crown on Sunday. No awards for individual events on Sunday, instead the focus is solely on how well you can do in all three combined. All around kayaking skills based on Slalom Racing, Downriver...
New England Championships- T’Ville 2014 by ericjackson | Apr 13, 2014 | EJ Thoughts, JK Team Posts, WhitewaterThis is the 5th year that that New England Championships and “T’Ville Triple Crown” have been held on the Farmington River in CT. The Brainchild of Jamie McEwan, this one event brings Wildwater, Slalom, and Freestyle events and athletes to one place. It is one of...
White Nile, Africa: 1 Part Rockstar, 1 Part GoPro and a pinch of DJI: Video by nicktroutman | Apr 8, 2014 | Featured Post,, JK Media, JK Team Posts, Playboating, Rockstar, Team JK, Trip Reports, Video, Video, WhitewaterThe Hairy Lemon on the White Nile was yet again our choice for a couple week stay this winter,’specifically for training purposes’, the hot weather, warm water, big waves and fun river run, well that is just a coincidence. This is training. We all had an...