Giving back: SFA and AW by Jessica Yurtinus | Jun 9, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, rivers, WhitewaterIn 2013 Jackson Kayak and California Canoe and Kayak teamed up to start the first annual Opening Day on the South Fork American. The weekend starts with clinics taught by a variety of Jackson Kayak team members and ends with a BBQ party and raffle with proceeds...
CCK Opening Day by Hilde Schweitzer | Apr 12, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, United States, WhitewaterIt’s been a long winter. The rain and cold weather were relentless, and actually still are relentless. Last weekend California Canoe and Kayak and AW kick started Spring with their annual fundraiser, Opening Day on the South Fork and the sun actually made...
2019 Opening Day on the S. Fork American by Jessica Yurtinus | Mar 21, 2019 | Clinics, Event Coverage, Events, Instructional, rivers, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionIt’s that time of year again, flowers are starting to bloom, birds are chirping, and the snow is melting. That means one thing. . . Opening Day on the South Fork of the American River. ...
Opening Day on the South Fork of The American. by colinkemp | Apr 20, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Antix, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, United States, Whitewater5 years ago, I got to be part of a group of folks looking to create a new WW event on the West coast. With the folks at CCK we came up with a great event that incorporated kayak instruction, super sweet prizes at a raffle, a party with tasty Ninkasi beer, and it all...
Inside the World Championships with Claire O – San Juan, Argentina- Opening Ceremony by Claire OHara | Mar 16, 2018 | Australia, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW Disciplines2017 ICF World Championships The 2017 ICF World Championships opening ceremony kicked off the whole event in style. Straight after the last official team training finished the hole was closed to all competitors and the whole World Championships community headed into...
Calling all kids who love to kayak! :) by Jezz | Apr 1, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Family Zone, JK Little Shredders, JK Team Posts, Kid's Kayaks, Playboating, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesJackson kayak is running a competition for 2 spots on the Jackson kayak Little Shredder team. We are looking 2 kids who love to kayak and we are opening these spots for kids under 15 years old. You can be a playboater, a creeker, a river runner or just a paddler doing...