Cuyahoga Falls Race 2017 – 3rd in Slalom by sethchapelle | Oct 29, 2017 | C1 Outfitting, Creeking, Event Coverage, Events, Karma, Karma Unlimited, rivers, Video, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW Disciplines2017 marked the second year of the Cuyahoga Falls race in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. That’s right, I said Ohio. I was very pleasantly surprised last year when I went to this race for its first year. I did not know that there was whitewater in Ohio until a couple...
Little Shredder Lotte checks in from NZ by JK Little Shredders | May 23, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesSo far this year has been awesome! It started off with a big splash when I attended the Hawea Whitewater camp with Claire, Anna, Josh, Dennis and other awesome coaches. We had the pleasure of hosting 4 Aussies and had 50+ people attending the camp. During the camp the...
Kayak Slalom with my 5 year old, Rory Jolee by Jeremy Adkins | May 9, 2017 | Dynamic Duo, Family Zone, River Running, rivers, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThis past summer, my daughter vastly surpassed my expectations. She absolutely loves the rapids, rivers, scenery, and surfing of course. Here is a video of our first slalom races. The Mulberry Fork Canoe Kayak Races (MFCKR). I have a paddle now and she is already...
US Slalom Jr. Team Trials and National Championships by sagedonnelly | Oct 16, 2014 | WhitewaterI just finished up with Jr. Slalom Team Trials at the Dickerson course in Maryland! I am finally old enough to make the team, so I was really excited for this team trials. I had been training in Charlotte, NC. for the past few weeks trying to improve on my gate...
European Slalom Racing by sagedonnelly | Sep 2, 2014 | Whitewaterthis year I was able to compete internationally for my first time! I went with My slalom team, Team Colorado Whitewater Racing Club, our coach Jordi, and my parents to compete in the European Jr. Slalom Cup which featured an under 14 category. We landed in Milan,...
New England Championships- T’Ville 2014 by ericjackson | Apr 13, 2014 | EJ Thoughts, JK Team Posts, WhitewaterThis is the 5th year that that New England Championships and “T’Ville Triple Crown” have been held on the Farmington River in CT. The Brainchild of Jamie McEwan, this one event brings Wildwater, Slalom, and Freestyle events and athletes to one place. It is one of...
Slalom Training in San Marcos, TX. with the Alberta, Canada, Jr. Slalom Team! by sagedonnelly | Mar 10, 2013 | Fun, Video, Whitewater [youtube][/youtube] For the second year in a row, I traveled to San Marcos, Texas, to train with the Alberta, Canada Jr. Slalom Team and I had a blast! If you have never been to San Marcos, it’s worth the trip! The...
2012 World Cup’s Recap (I did TWO WC’s in 1 Year!) by Emily Jackson | Oct 6, 2012 | Whitewater2012 World Cup’s Recap! (Yepp I did TWO) This past world cup really put me to the test. I was determined to compete in two world cups in one year, Slalom and Freestyle. The Slalom World Cup was first and I had never competed in a Slalom World Cup before because...
Emily’s European Adventure- Competing in my First World Cups: Part 4 by Emily Jackson | Jul 14, 2012 | WhitewaterWorld Cup #1- Cardiff Wales and Our Olympic Trials As the race was coming up I was getting super excited to see how I would do. Watching the other women paddle I knew that paddling well wasn’t going to be the hard part but placing higher then last and possibly making...
Emily’s European Adventure Part 2: by Emily Jackson | Jun 15, 2012 | Whitewater After my first session of slalom paddling with comedian and paddler Craig Aytes, he dropped me off at 10pm at a B&B. Little did I know that this place would feel so much during my stay. Kathy, the owner, runs it all on her own and is always looking to help...
Emily’s European Slalom Adventure Part 1: by Emily Jackson | Jun 5, 2012 | Rockstar, WhitewaterI arrived in Europe after booking my ticket two days before. Unsure of when I should go I just woke up and said, I think I just need to go, now… So with a short notice and couple Facebook messages I had our English distributors and close friends pick me up well after...
The Road Less Traveled- Emily goes to Europe for Slalom! by Emily Jackson | May 24, 2012 | WhitewaterI was raised to believe everything you do in life is a choice. You’re born a certain way with certain features and personality traits but everything else is a decision you are making. My Dad always said your not happy or sad, you choose to be happy or sad, you choose...