Deception Pass Dash by kylethomas | Feb 7, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, Journey, Recreational/Touring, rivers, Wrap UpsThe Deception Pass Dash, an incredible competition hosted annually at Deception Pass State Park in Oak Harbor, Washington. Paddlers from all disciplines travel to the Pacific Northwest to compete in this 6+ mile tidal race in December. Kayaks, tandem kayaks, canoes,...
Waterfallin’ by Brett Barton | Dec 25, 2017 | Creeking, Internationalisation, United States, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesWaterfalls can be a lot of fun. Running waterfalls in winter can present other challenges you don’t think about until you’re on scene, like that log at the bottom being extra slick for setting safety. Or the rocks on the bank being iced over, making it...
TN KAST State Championship by Michael Ernst | Dec 25, 2017 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, Tournaments, United StatesThis past year there were 10 fishing clubs that had memberships in the Kayak Anglers’ Society of Tennessee(KAST). Each club has to host at least 7 tournaments throughout the summer and then at the end of the season, the top 7 anglers, along with the angler that has...
A Different Kind Of Tournament by Maxwell DeRussy | Jun 5, 2017 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Tournaments, Trip Reports, Trips, Wrap UpsOver the last five years I’ve heard about a tournament in Virginia small-town USA. I would hear things like, it’s not about winning the tournament, there’s great food, awesome camaraderie between team mates as well as others who love the sport of Kayak Fishing, it’s...
Japan Part 2: Three Days on the Nakatsugawa, “A Wet State” by colinkemp | Jul 22, 2012 | Whitewater[youtube][/youtube] After the two warm-up days in the Minakami area, we decided to drive to the Nakatsugawa for some runs on it and its main tributary, the Zakogawa. On our third day in country, as we left the...
Road tripping with “A Wet State”- in CALI by colinkemp | May 27, 2012 | WhitewaterAfter entirely too many hours at work, I decided to play hookie for two days and take a long weekend roadtrip up to Northern California and the Trinity and Scott Drainages. On our trip, we were able to get on two runs which have eluded me for much too long, the North...
Happy New Year, from “A Wet State” by colinkemp | Jan 27, 2012 | Creeking, WhitewaterWith the prospect of water in the California over New Years looking quite poor, Darin McQuoid, David Maurier and myself drove to the northern most drainage in California, the Smith River, for the edge of an Oregon storm that was planned to hit. The day we arrived we...