Trout Management | Delayed Harvest by Darrell Olson | Mar 26, 2020 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Fly Fishing, MayflyI just recently started to participate in Project Healing Waters here in Charleston, SC. They meet twice a month on a regular basis tying flies; except when winter arrives the volunteers of the group will help the Veterans on building a fly rod. When rod building...
Kayak Fishing For Trophy Size Texas Trout by | Jan 22, 2020 | Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Kilroy HDKayak Fishing For Trophy Size Texas Trout Winter time in the coastal bend area of Texas means it’s time to kayak fish for trophy size Texas speckled trout. Cynoscion nebulosus; the spotted seatrout. Also known as specks, spotted weakfish, or yellow mouth. Cue...
Alberta Tiger Trout by teamjk | Jun 19, 2019 | Canada, Coosa FD, Fishing, InternationalisationWhat do you get when you cross a female brown trout and a male brook trout? Well, let me tell you! A Tiger Trout! It takes brown trout egg’s and the milk of a brook trout to produce these beautiful tigers. I’ve been fishing as long as I can remember and I’ve fly...
Fly fishing for Trout by Sam Baxter | May 21, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, Internationalisation, UKAs a rule I like my Pike & Perch fishing and when possible sea fishing for Cod & Pollock, however now and again I like to do a spot of fly fishing. I admit I’m not the best fly caster but I can do enough to ‘get the job done’ but that’s...
Draggin’ Flies: for still-water Trout by teamjk | Apr 20, 2019 | FishingThere are several Trout species that tend to inhabit deeper parts of still-water lakes. Lake Trout, Splake and even Rainbows spend a significant amount of time feeding in the mid to deep range on stocked put-grow-take lakes. To reach these deeper Trout, a fly angler...
Coosa HD Trout Float by Nathan Rees | Apr 14, 2019 | Coosa HD, FishingI’ve got a local trout river that is perfect for floating in the kayak. So last fall I finally decided to give it a go and man I can’t believe I waited this long to do so. 11 miles of cool, clear, tailwater release water just full of smallmouth and trout. I launched...
Texas Sized Trout by dustinnichols | Mar 23, 2019 | Fishing, VideoDreary weather, overcast skies and drizzle? Grab your rain gear and don’t let the weather keep you off the water. During the transition from Winter to Spring in the Coastal Bend of Texas we get quite a few of those dreary days. If you are not scared of the...
Green Trout by Cole Landry | Mar 3, 2019 | FishingI’m sure we have all been here before… the restless night before a perfectly forecasted fishing morning. The only thing racing through your mind is the through of a stringer full of fat Louisiana Redfish. Then, just when you fall asleep, the alarm clocks screams and...
Wintertime Speckled Trout by Justin Seiffert | Dec 12, 2018 | FishingJustin Seiffert here again with some info from the Mobile Bay watershed. We are right at the beginning of one of my favorite times of year to fish. The battle between the strong north winds of the cold fronts hitting us almost every week and the south...
Mobile Bay by Justin Seiffert | Dec 11, 2018 | FishingMobile Bay is an awesome place to fish but has a lot of variables to consider. Being the cyclical watershed that is I find that certain years produce larger catches of a particular species. Some years it is all about the speckled trout, some about...
Trout Challenge by Chuck Bahan | Dec 6, 2018 | Coosa FD, Event Coverage, Fishing, Tournaments, Wrap UpsBayou Coast Kayak Club (BCKFC) is one of the largest kayak fishing clubs in the country based in Louisiana. They have active members in the club from several states. One of our popular final tournaments of the year was Trout Challenge hosted in November in Point...
Catch and cook-Rainbow trout. by John Ord | Nov 12, 2018 | FishingFly fishing for rainbow trout from my Jackson kayak kraken. Catch and cook. Kayak fishing. ...