Pan Am Bass Kayak Championships- 8 Countries Descend Upon Cookeville, Tennessee by ericjackson | Jun 5, 2019 | Coosa HD, EJ, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Subjects, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, the athlete, United StatesMost of the photos are from Brad Weigmann While I am no stranger to international competitions, doing my first 6 week Whitewater Slalom Kayak racing tour of Europe in 1984 as a member of the USA “B” team. My memories of that trip were...
Getting Powered up with the Angler 360… by ericjackson | Apr 24, 2019 | Blue Sky, Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesI am quite excited about where we are going with the Angler 360 with the “E-Drive”…. My first prototype experience was over a year ago in Florida and we have been working hard on getting a USA Made electric motor drive done for our Flex Drive since then. We are...
10 Days in Uganda… by ericjackson | Nov 21, 2018 | Internationalisation, Rockstar 4.0, United States, WhitewaterEmily changed her ticket to fly two days before me, so that she would more likely hit Nile Special Wave before it got flooded out. She pulled it off and had a 4 hour session on the Nile Special at epic levels in her new Rock Star 4.0. I...
Rock Star 4.0 Second Review, After 2 months of hard paddling… by ericjackson | Sep 20, 2018 | Internationalisation, Rockstar 4.0, United States, Whitewater First impressions are critical for a new boat, as they give you insight into what to expect, when you have no feeling for the boat yet. However, first impressions don’t provide the paddler with much of the benefits they will enjoy once they learn...
The Making of the Rock Star 4.0…. 14 years of Prototyping…. by ericjackson | Jun 16, 2018 | EJ, EJ Thoughts, Internationalisation, Rockstar 4.0, the innovator, United States, WhitewaterIf you know me very well, you know that I love competition, love trying to be the best, and love a good challenge. If you know David Knight, you know that there is only one way he does things… the right way. When you combine the two of us,...
Antix action… EJ and Friends.. by ericjackson | May 1, 2018 | Antix, EJ, Internationalisation, the athlete, United States, Whitewater Monday Morning….9am I got home from an FLW Tour Event Sunday night at 10pm…. at 9 am I was dropping into the gorge at Rock Island with Clay and Nick for a couple of Falls laps and Sieve City run… Spring in the Southeast is always...
Pedal vs Paddle – Can’t We All Just Get Along? by Bridgett Valet | Oct 7, 2017 | Coosa, Coosa FD, Cruise 10 Angler, Fishing, Freshwater Fishing, Internationalisation, Kraken, United StatesThere have been an influx of pedal drive players to the kayak fishing market over the past few years. Folks swore up one side and down another that they’d never be in a pedal-propelled kayak … but changed their tune as new players entered the field. Full...
When your son wants to come on your solo Cuda HD for some fishing and fun… by ericjackson | Oct 3, 2017 | Cuda HD, EJ, Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesI am a big fan of having the right tools for the trade. My son has his own Skipper and we used the Big Tuna for years as our tandem, but on this day, I was going out in my Cuda 12 and KC wanted to join in and ride with me. I have to remember that it...
Here is an Antix getting built from scratch and other cool clips. by ericjackson | Jul 15, 2017 | Antix, Company Info, EJ, Internationalisation, United States, WhitewaterDickies wanted me to make a clip that showed my kayaking, and introduced my fishing, but mostly talked about the factory and showed a kayak being built. Steve Fisher and I put this together, Steve on the story board, camera, editing, and helping me...
EJ’s- How to Squirt and Splat the Jackson Kayak Antix by ericjackson | Mar 16, 2017 | Antix, EJ, Intermediate Moves, Internationalisation, JK University, the teacher, United States, WhitewaterHow to Squirt and Splat an Antix The new Jackson Kayak Antix has hit a nerve among kayakers world-wide. Its sporty river running/creeking character, light weight, fun surfing, and ability to get vertical on the stern makes it a unique kayak in today’s world of...