NoliFest Winning by wildwildwes | Apr 23, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, MixMaster, Whitewater, Wrap UpsThe 4th annual NoliFest 2018 was packed with more fun than ever before! River trip shuttles for all on the Gorge and Lower Nolichucky River, SUP racing, river attainments, SUP joisting, vendor fair, One Wheel endure race, fireworks, great bands and good food where...
What would it take to go Sub 4 minutes in the Green Race? by isaaclevinson | Oct 14, 2017 | Creeking, Event Coverage, Events, Karma Unlimited, rivers, Video, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesEvery year for the past 22 years, at 12pm on the first Saturday in November, hundreds of kayakers and thousands of kayaking enthusiasts gather to be a part of what claims to be “The Greatest Show in Sports.” This statement is arguable but nonetheless, I would put my...
Alseseca Race Results: A Jackson Tie and Karma Winners! by JK Team | Jan 14, 2013 | WhitewaterThe Alseseca Race is held on the roadside section of the Alseseca River in Veracruz, Mex. Dane, EJ, Nick, and Clay all headed down to meet up with JK crazy man Rafa Ortiz. They went straight to the course after some quality travel chaos and did 5 laps on their first...
Dane’s Karma Review with Action Video from Chile! by Dane Jackson | Dec 28, 2012 | WhitewaterAfter a month of paddling in Chile on various types of runs, I have been shown just how amazing the Karma really is. It has much more initial speed than I had anticipated. Even with its speed, it’s super easy to control and very predictable. Without extreme...