The Importance of Games by teamjk | Jun 22, 2018 | Clinics, Family Zone, Instructional, rivers, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionThe key to any students’ progress is taking their mind off skills and drills, and in exchange providing a goal that sneaks in the skills you want them to learn. Enter: Games! I believe that having an arsenal of games at the ready, promotes the fundamental reason...
Become A More Efficient Angler by teamjk | Jun 21, 2018 | FishingAs an avid kayak tournament angler I’m always striving to improve my efficiency while out on the water. To me being more efficient means an increased opportunity for putting more fish in the boat. Most kayak fishing tournaments are 8 hours long. I want to make sure...
The JK Rockstar in the Grand Canyon by teamjk | Jun 20, 2018 | rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, WhitewaterI was awake one of the last nights of my trip in the Grand Canyon watching the milky way stretch across the sky as I remembered the incredible place I was fortunate enough to explore. We went down into the river with a group of 16 people with 5 rafts, 7 kayaks,...
CPR Technique by teamjk | Jun 19, 2018 | Coosa FD, Fishing, riversKayak fishing tournaments have proven to be extremely fun and are becoming increasingly more popular. Due to the importance of the safety of the fish, lack of livewells, and the prevention of cheating, most tournaments use the CPR method. CPR stands for Catch, Photo,...
MixMaster Fun on the Ocoee! by teamjk | Jun 7, 2018 | Creeking, MixMaster, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesIt had been about three years since I last paddled the Ocoee, and what better way to celebrate my return to the southeastern classic than in the new Jackson Kayak MixMaster. I had taken the MixMaster for a little surf at Rock Island, but had yet to catch a full,...
Small River Fun In The Liska by teamjk | Jun 4, 2018 | Fishing, LiskaSmall rivers can be a blast when the hot, humid summer days get cranked up. Over Memorial Day weekend we got an early taste of the 90’s and that southern Indiana humidity. Knowing we had 3 full days to fish we opted to head to the Blue River and chase down a few...
Lemons, Not Lemonade by teamjk | May 25, 2018 | Fishing, VideoWe all love a good fishing highlight reel, but what happens on the less successful days? Last season during a small local event misfortune struck leaving my friend Nick and I scratching our heads. It’s not always what happens on the water but what you...
BKA Lake Cumberland Event Recap by teamjk | May 8, 2018 | Cuda HD, Event Coverage, Events, Fishing, Tournaments, Wrap UpsWe pulled up to the pre tournament meeting at 5:00am. Exactly thirteen hours since we had departed from Titusville Florida. I have to admit, stepping out of the truck Into the freezing air of southern Kentucky wasn’t the greatest. Especially since the day before we...
Demo Days in Corpus Christi!! by teamjk | May 7, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, FishingSpring time in Corpus Christi means Roy’s Bait & Tackle will host their annual on the water kayak demo. Roy’s has one of the largest kayak show rooms on the Texas coast, and stocks all models of Jackson boats. Bringing over 50 kayaks for everyone from...
Cuyahoga Falls Race ’18 Overview by teamjk | May 6, 2018 | Event Coverage, Events, rivers, Whitewater, Wrap UpsThe 3rd annual Cuyahoga Falls Kayak Race took place on Saturday April 28th but the excitement was all weekend long! Thanks to the hard work and dedication from the local paddling community and of course the main race coordinator, Don Howdyshell we had more sponsors...
Årets första havsöring by teamjk | May 6, 2018 | Internationalisation, SwedenÅrets första havsöring Då det har varit riktigt uselt väder de sista veckorna med hård blåst, snö och regn om vartannat, så var det inget fel på fiskesuget när vädret tillslut slog om. Hela dagen på jobb hade jag sneglat ut på det fina vädret och planerat var jag...
The little things. by teamjk | May 2, 2018 | FishingThe weather in Texas can be very unpredictable this time of year. March and April are usually our windy months. Calm days on the water are few and far between. Most of the time when the wind dies down and the water looks like glass I’m at work. However, I recently had...