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My Jackson Cuda LT

My Jackson Cuda LT

Still loving it, I picked my Jackson Cuda LT up back in 2015 and have never looked back, Well only to see who’s behind me. When I first seen the Jackson Cuda LT the shine of the light weight thermoform really caught my eye, Coming in at 57lbs 64lbs with the seat...
Getting Your Feet Wet

Getting Your Feet Wet

There are many factors that come into play when making the decision to buy your first kayak. Here is a short list that can help you and your dealer find the best boat for you. 1. Know your intended purpose for the kayak. There are several types of kayaks that have...

What Are They Biting?

Now that’s a saying I’m sure we’ve all heard a time or two. In fact, I bet most, if not all, of us have said it ourselves! “What are they biting?” If only this age old question was easily answered. The problem is conditions are always changing, fish are moving, and...

Cruise FD

Cruise FD Konečně jsem se dočkal a dostala se ke mě novinka a to v podobě šlapacího kajaku Cruise FD od Jackson Kayak☺. Kayaky v názvu nesou označení FD což je zkratka pro dvě slova a to Flex Drive. Tyto kajaky vám umožní nejen se velmi rychle a pohodlně pohybovat po...

The Liska Story- Part 1

Jan was a dear friend to many, but more so to my friend Gunnar Ahlström, fellow team member and owner of Pike strike. A while ago, we asked Gunnar to pen his thoughts on Jan and this is what he had to say. “Jan Liska is a friend I will never forget. He was a...