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Strip Mine Fishing in IL

One of my favorite fishing spots in IL are the old strip mines in Southern IL. There are several State wildlife managed areas throughout the Southern half of IL. One of my favorite is the River King Peabody location in New Athens, IL. (I also caught my PB Largemouth...

Keep It Clean

Every weekend I tend to get a hard time from my buddies because my kayaks and my truck are pretty clean. Now I will admit that I feel like my equipment needs to be clean so that it is even more appealing to an on looker that may have interest in checking out the brand...

Fish Are Just A Bonus

July has been a busy but a good month. I’ve had a bit of writers block and have been struggling to come up with a topic that I could blog on. After an entire month of fishing with friends old and new, I know my topic. This month really has not been about the fish as...


Popis rybaření z kajaku jsme všichni četli mnohokrát. Mnohokráte jsme také mohli číst, vidět jak velká ryba se podařila chytit z toho či onoho kajaku. A rozhodně je to super, ale nejen adrenalinem je člověk živ, tak mi dovolte zavzpomínat na poslední návštěvu Švédska,...

Sumci na vábničku

Prvního dne co se začali letos lovit dravci, jsem se zaměřil vyloženě na sumcařinu. Jak na těžkou vláčku kterou chytám velmi rád, tak na vábničku s trsem rousnic nebo rybou. Je to taky hlavně kvůli tomu aby i český rybář viděl, že toto odvětví (sumcařina) kajaku není...

2 years since the mustard river

The Gold King Mine released 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River about 2 years ago. What damage was truly done I guess we won’t ever really know. It was a very sad day. I have been kayaking about 6 days a week the last couple of years and...