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Big red

The comfort, stealth, and stability of the Jackson Big Tuna and the Cuda 14 help me, get to and catch, fish like this 32 inch red fish. Hardest decision is which one do I take ?!

What the doctor ordered

A little over a month ago my wife popped her Achilles tendon and brought our worlds to a screeching halt. Her climbing and training, done. I was acting nurse (no, that is nothing like playing doctor), homemaker, shopper, and everything in between. I was able to sneak...

Here we G(L)O!

Jackson kayak recently introduced the new Illuminati series of glow in the dark fishing kayaks.  Before we made the call to go full steam ahead on this project, led by product manager Damon Bungard, Brooks Beatty and I, and others at Jackson Kayak, took the glow boats...