How to BEAT the weekend warrior! by Mathieu Dumoulin | Apr 30, 2018 | Antix, Fitness, France, Instructional, Internationalisation, rivers, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionLast year I had big changes happening in my personal life. I went from full time kayaker based in France and traveling 8-10 months out of the year to getting married, and settle down in Colorado with my wife. Domesticated, stuck and assigned to a job, there was a lot...
Kayak Transport by teamjk | Apr 28, 2018 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalOne of the toughest things about kayak fishing is actually getting the kayak to the water. This is a struggle that many people can attest to. This may be due to owning a smaller car, having an injury or a disability, and/or living in an urban area. This does not mean...
Liska Day Hatch Instllation by teamjk | Apr 25, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, LiskaThis is a quick how-to on installing Jacksons Day Hatch Kit( on the new Liska. The following tools are what I used to install this kit: -A SHARP utility knife. The sharper it is the easier it will cut and the smoother you...
Back Basics by samantharuppelt | Apr 22, 2018 | Fitness, Instructional, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionYou know that moment when you hit a sweet boof… and then you land on a rock? What about that moment when you go to do a splat…. and then just plow your bow straight into a rock and jolt forward? (Oh that’s just me…) What abouttttttt when you go to load your boat on...
Learning to Pedal by Darrell Olson | Apr 22, 2018 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalI have been pedaling the Coosa FD for six months now. The pedaling concept is new to me but I will add that when I have traveled and kayaked fished with friends and had to borrow their spare kayak. The spare usually ended up being a Hobie that has a different system...
How to Clean Blunt (The Classy Edition) by David Silk | Apr 2, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Instructional, Playboating, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW Disciplines Tuxedos. The Queen of England. Very small forks. Clean blunts. What do they all have in common? Class. Here we’re going to cover not only just how to do one of the most stylish tricks in a wave boaters arsenal, but how to do it in such a way they it...
Kraken Rudder Repair by teamjk | Mar 30, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, KrakenAfter 2 years of saltwater service, my rudder cables began to show their age by fraying at the rudder. So instead of waiting a week or so for new cables to be shipped, I decided to make some new ones and try to improve on the previous design. For this repair/upgrade...
Injury Prevention and Rehab: Shoulder Stability by samantharuppelt | Mar 29, 2018 | Fitness, Instructional, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionShoulders tend to be the most common body part injured in the whitewater kayaking world. If you haven’t hurt your shoulder and if it doesn’t give you issues then chances are that you know someone who has had or is having shoulder issues. Labral tears, subluxations,...
How to Vertical Seal Launch by wildwildwes | Mar 27, 2018 | Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionDo you have this skill in your tool bag? Often on creek style runs we find the most efficient and safest way to launch into the river is off a vertical ledge into a deep pool. This act can seem really scary at first if you have never tried it, so make sure you find a...
Kayak Transport Safety Taut Line Hitch by Chris Funk | Mar 23, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, Internationalisation, United States, Video
SMARTER Goal by crystalgustin | Mar 21, 2018 | Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionI recently finished my basketball season as a head varsity girls coach and for my little school, we made a run in state. Preparing for state, I took a risk and held a practice unlike any other practice I’ve had. Instead of physically preparing my girls, I took...
Lyons Kids Club Pool Sessions by Kevin Parker | Mar 19, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Clinics, Family Zone, Instructional, Playboating, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW DisciplinesWith winter finally showing up in Colorado, the Lyons Kids club pool sessions are again proving to be a big hit. While it is billed as the “Kids Club” we try to target the whole family, and get as many adults at the pool as kids. Our goal is to get the parents...