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Kayak Transport

Kayak Transport

One of the toughest things about kayak fishing is actually getting the kayak to the water. This is a struggle that many people can attest to. This may be due to owning a smaller car, having an injury or a disability, and/or living in an urban area. This does not mean...
Kraken Rudder Repair

Kraken Rudder Repair

After 2 years of saltwater service, my rudder cables began to show their age by fraying at the rudder. So instead of waiting a week or so for new cables to be shipped, I decided to make some new ones and try to improve on the previous design. For this repair/upgrade...


I recently finished my basketball season as a head varsity girls coach and for my little school, we made a run in state. Preparing for state, I took a risk and held a practice unlike any other practice I’ve had. Instead of physically preparing my girls, I took...