Top tips to improve your front surf skills by sethashworth | Mar 17, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Instructional, Playboating, rivers, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW DisciplinesFollow team paddler Seth Ashworth on his fun tutorial video to help you improve your front surf skills. Don’t forget to subscribe to his youtube channel to see his new videos...
The Royal Polaris knot by Sean White | Mar 9, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, Internationalisation, United States, VideoI have been fishing with spectra super lines for a long time. I am always on the hunt for the perfect connection for my leader. Over time I have gone from the Uni to Uni, to the Bimini Twist, and then to the Sebile (aka SG). Like everything else, they all have their...
How to eddy turn and peel out – A beginners guide by Jezz | Mar 6, 2018 | Instructional, Uncategorized, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionFor those starting out in paddling, turning into an eddy or peeling out of an eddy are often a big challenge which leads to many flips and rolls. There are three important steps that I like to discuss when learning how to get your eddy turns and peel outs. 1 Speed 2...
Using A Drift Bag by teamjk | Mar 5, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, VideoUsing a drift bag on a windy day:
Fail, because its the funnest… by Maddie Kimmel | Feb 27, 2018 | Family Zone, Instructional, Uncategorized, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionFail Fail is a game that I never win. Fail is a game invented by my little sister, Brook Hess (an amazing kayaker and coach), and Peyton (my best friend who is learning to kayak). These ladies are masters at it. Here’s how you play: Wet exit TRY to stand on top of...
DIY Hawg Trough holder on Jackson mounting tracks by teamjk | Feb 3, 2018 | Coosa FD, Coosa HD, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalI found a really great way to stow my Hawg Trough on the side of my Coosa HD and FD which is easily accessible and out of the way so not to interfere with my navigating or fishing. I saw a similar idea on the one of the DIY kayak blogs and put my own little spin on...
DIY Two-Kayak Rack by Jon Hummel | Jan 25, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalDIY Two-Kayak Rack Over the last decade, we’ve seen massive growth in the kayak fishing industry. This has driven innovation in the design of kayaks, leading to kayaks specifically created for different fishing conditions. From skinny water kayaks (Coosa) to off...
Maintenance off of the water- stretching out the spine by samantharuppelt | Jan 24, 2018 | Fitness, Instructional, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionI’ve been seeing a lot of questions lately online about injuries, pain, and tightness in the body and how it impedes performance on the water. In response to this I wanted to do a series on ways to maintain the body while off the water. I, like so many of you, have a...
GoPro Hero 4 Tech Tip by bryceaaron | Jan 23, 2018 | Accessories, Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionTech Tip- On the Hero 4 Black and Silver, there is an option to have the camera function like a Session or Hero 5 or 6. It makes it so that when you press the shutter button (the button on top) it turns on the camera and starts filming. When you press it again, it...
How to achieve your new year’s goals with effective practice by Greg Parker | Jan 1, 2018 | Instructional, Internationalisation, United States, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionThe new year is a common time to set goals. Goals are great motivational tools and show us the final destination, but we also need a road map to help us get there. Effective practice can be an extremely valuable, and often over looked, strategy or guide on this...
Preventing Saltwater Corrosion by Darrell Olson | Dec 16, 2017 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Instructional, Saltwater, Saltwater Fishing, VideoI enjoy fishing in saltwater and freshwater out of a kayak but unfortunately most of my buddies prefer the tug on the line by either a bull redfish, a gator trout or a doormat flounder; I’m in the saltwater a little more often. One of the things that I have learned...
4 ways I use Torso Rotation by shanegroves | Nov 29, 2017 | 2015 Zen, Antix, Instructional, rivers, WhitewaterThere is no doubt that your torso plays as big a role in paddling as any other factor. Not only does the torso help you rotate and spin the boat in freestyle but also gives up subtle turns while river running. Here are four ways I use my torso while paddling....