So ya wanna go paddlin’ with your dog, huh? by Samantha Christen | Apr 6, 2014 | Instructional, Journey, Recreational/TouringMe too!! I love being on the water, and I love spending time with my dog. Suffice it to say that I’m in heaven when I am able to do both at the same time. While some dogs are naturally drawn to water, not every dog takes to it; some don’t even like being near it! ...
How To Film Fishing with GoPro Hero 3+ Camera by ericjackson | Apr 4, 2014 | Big Rig, Big Tuna, Cuda, Fishing, Instructional, JK University, the teacher, VideoHere are a few tips for getting some great video and photos of fishing out of your Jackson Kayak Fishing Boats using GoPro Cameras. I have done a ton of filming over the past few years using a variety of methods. I prefer to keep the filming as low impact on my...
Short, Big Bay session in SoCal by Justin Arakaki | Mar 10, 2014 | Cuda, Fishing, Instructional, Saltwater Fishing, United StatesAfter recently rigging my new kayak, I couldn’t wait to get out and test it out. so, I decided for a quick morning session. Launched out of Shelter Island to small wind, and slack low tide. Tides forecast for a big incoming swing, so these were perfect drifting...
Anna’s Six Minute Ab Series. by JK Team | Feb 22, 2014 | Instructional, WhitewaterOne reason I was excited to join Jackson Kayak was to have the opportunity to share a few yoga stretches and core exercises that help to keep me healthy, strong and on the water through the JK blog. For a little bit of background on me- I fell in love with...
Ultralight Kayak Overnighter Sleep Systems – My Choices for Ecuador by Damon Bungard | Feb 7, 2014 | Creeking, Fishing, Freshwater, Instructional, Internationalisation, JK University, Recreational/Touring, River Running, Team JK, Uncategorized, United States, Whitewater Camping from a kayak. No matter what types of kayak it is, whitewater, fishing or touring, camping out of a kayak and spending days on the water is one of my favorite things to do. For many people though, it can be a daunting task, and somewhat intimidating...
Jackson Kayak Cruise 12 Lean Bar by Sean Brodie | Jan 30, 2014 | Fishing, Fly Fishing, Freshwater, Instructional, Saltwater FishingJackson Kayak recently introduced a new fishing kayak for 2014, the Big Rig. The Big Rig is loaded, and I mean loaded, with kayak fishing features from A to Z. One feature that intrigued me was the lean bar. Once seeing some pictures of the Big Rig I decided I was...
???? Batteries and Electronics ???? by Gregg Crisp | Jan 7, 2014 | Fishing, Fishing Reports, Freshwater Fishing, Instructional, JK Team Posts, Saltwater FishingSo you have a kayak and you like to fish, and now you’ve decided to install a fish finder. So after picking out that cool new unit you’ve been wanting, you realize that you need to get a battery and you’re wondering what size and type to purchase. Maybe you have a...
Paddle keeper install by Ben Roussel | Feb 28, 2013 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Instructional, Internationalisation, Recreational/Touring, RiggingThe new Cruise from Jackson Kayak doesn’t come with a paddle keeper of it’s own, so I needed to install them. A paddle keeper makes a handy place to store a stake out pole while on the water. It’s convenient and out of the way in that spot. Well I...
Rescue For River Runners: Episode 6 – The Rescue Harness by Mike McKay | Feb 8, 2013 | Beginner Moves, Instructional, Intermediate Moves, JK University, WhitewaterThe quick-release harness on a rescue PFD is an important advancement in swiftwater safety. It allows you to tow a canoe or kayak and to perform “live bait” rescues in which the rescuer jumps into the water to pull a paddler to safety. In Episode 6 of...
”Switch” it up to get fresh thrills from your favorite rapids by Clay Wright | Jan 25, 2013 | Instructional, WhitewaterMy first time seeing a kayak go off Gorilla, they spun out and went off it backwards, arms in the air the kayak flopped over the edge and pitched vertically but slid down the flume just fine. Hearing Woody Calloway say people go off backwards 50% of the time, I made...
Rigging a Jackson Cuda for Fishing by Team Palovik | Jan 15, 2013 | Cuda, Fishing, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, Instructional, Rigging, Saltwater, Saltwater FishingHad a fellow fisherman Brad White reach out for help on rigging a Jackson Cuda 14, and wanted a setup for fishing the local lakes. Turns out Brad lives in the same town, so made it easy to do the install in an evening. After talking to brad and deciding what he...
How to land a fish from a kayak by Ben Roussel | Nov 29, 2012 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Instructional, Internationalisation“How not to land a fish from a kayak” would also be appropriate. After breaking a rod while netting a fish during my last trip I turned to the video I took of the trip for answers. It was pretty obvious in the video what I did wrong, in real time though it...