by Jim Sammons | May 14, 2022 | Coosa HD, Featured Post, Fishing Feature, Fishing Reports, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main Banner, Sweden
Our visit to Sweden comes to an end in this Episode of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons LIVE, but before it does, we get out and target trout on the fly, visit with the local reindeer herders and see more of this beautiful country. We are once again hosted by...
by Lucien Shreiber | May 11, 2022 | Big Tuna, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Reports, Freshwater, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main Banner, Sweden
Our amazing adventure in Sweden Continues in this LIVE airing of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons, Live. The Fishing, scenery and company is simply incredible as we are joined by Jackson Kayak Team Europe and our guest Magnus Bozell. Join us live as we air the...
by Jim Sammons | May 6, 2022 | Big Tuna, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, Instructional, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main Banner, Liska, Sweden
In this live airing of the Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we are in Sweden for Mid Summer. We are enjoying the the food and culture and chasing after fish with members of Jackson Kayak Team Europe. Join us live as we share the memories for a great trip and be...
by Jim Sammons | Nov 18, 2020 | Cuda, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Internationalisation, Sweden
S5-E12 In this episode of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we make our first trip to Sweden to fish with team Jackson Kayak Europe including our friend the late Jan Liske. We made so many friends on this trip that we had to return to Sweden several times to...
by Jim Sammons | May 5, 2020 | Fishing, Fishing Feature, Internationalisation, JAdventures Main Banner, Liska, Sweden
This Episode of Jackson Kayaks Kayak Fishing show with Jim Sammons is from 2014 season 6. We made our first trip to Sweden to fish with our new friends, Gunnar Ahlström, Erik Lorenz and the late Jan Zoid Liska along with other members of team Jackson Kayak fishing...
by Dennis Kieselhorst | Feb 13, 2020 | Exploration Feature, Liska, Sweden
Bucket List Destination in Sweden I visit beautiful Sweden at least once a year, either with my family or to see many friends at the Liska Kayak Open. The historical province of Blekinge in southern Sweden is about 400 miles away from me and can therefore be reached...
by Dennis Kieselhorst | Dec 6, 2019 | Germany, Internationalisation, Sweden
The 5th anniversary of the Bodden Bash is coming It’s amazing how time flies. The 5th anniversary of the Bodden Bash is coming. The Bodden Bash Kayak Fishing Festival will start for the fifth time next year on the island of Rügen in Germany, and many...
by simonmuller | Oct 26, 2019 | Austria, Fishing, Fishing Reports, Fishing Subjects, Freshwater Fishing, Internationalisation, Mayfly, Sweden
Some weeks ago it was time for the Liska Kayak Open, so I travelled to Karlskrona in Sweden to meet many friends from all over europe. It is always a pleasure to meet the other kayak-fishing-guys. It was a great event and Peter Neumann from the German-Jackson-Team...
by capucinethomaslepine | Oct 18, 2019 | Internationalisation, Norway, Sweden, Uncategorized, Whitewater, WW Disciplines
Norway is a whitewater paradise but there is still some days a need to go somewhere else, escape home, go exotic, have a mini break, cross the border. On such days I drive to Sweden. The swedish roads cruises through endless forests and lakes. The swedish people are a...
by teamjk | Sep 18, 2019 | Fishing, Freshwater Fishing, Internationalisation, Sweden
I våras åkte jag upp till Borensberg för att delta i ECKC, min första ”riktiga” tävling. Det slutade med att jag blankade båda dagarna, men jag ser det hela som en stor lärdom och en erfarenhet rikare. Tävlingen hölls lördag till söndag, men vi åkte upp redan på...
by teamjk | Sep 3, 2019 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Sweden
Name: Daniel Holm Hometown, Country: Viken (near Helsingborg), Sweden Instagram: Facebook: Website: Kayak(s):...
by teamjk | Aug 24, 2019 | Internationalisation, Sweden
Sommaren är här och så även makrillen. Makrillen anländer till till oss här nere i södra Sverige i slutet av maj – juni, för att leka, och stannar ända fram till hösten då de beger sig ut till djupare vatten igen. Nu i början går fisken väldigt strandnära och...