Stephen Wright teaches clinics for Valley Mill on the Potomac River by Will Richardson | Apr 10, 2006 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterApril 10, 2006 Colin & EJ, Thought you guys might like to see a few shots I took during our clinic with Stephen yesterday afternoon. He did a fantastic job working with the 3 of us, all at different levels. All 3 of us made major gains in our skills and despite...
Cornwall Rec. Whitewater Club receive their boats and stack them on the VW by Will Richardson | Apr 10, 2006 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterApril 10, 2006 Hey Eric, Years ago when I was a kid (a lot longer than I care to remember) we used to have "how many kids can you stuff in a VW Beetle" competitions. (Used to really tick my dad off! no sense of humour… hmm) Today I put a new spin on...
Cornwall Recreational Whitewater Club enters the Jackson Kayak arena, sweet! by Will Richardson | Apr 6, 2006 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterApril 6, 2006 Hello Eric, I am very proud to say that I have purchased a small fleet of Jackson Fun Series Kayaks for use for the Cornwall Recreational Whitewater Club. As I am starting off I could not go with all new boats and I found a sweet deal at OKS who were...
Self-supporting out in the Owyhee Canyonlands, Devon Barker Style by Will Richardson | Apr 3, 2006 | 2010 Fun, Heros, WhitewaterBy Devon Barker. Learn more about Devon. April 3 , 2006 Self-Support in my Hero If dirt is good then mud is better when driving to the Owyhee. The Owyhee Canyonlands are the grand canyon of Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada. The local boaters often say the drive is almost...
The Dutch have themselves a ramp! And Tom shows his moves on it by Will Richardson | Apr 2, 2006 | 2010 Fun, WhitewaterApril 2 , 2006 Hi EJ, I’m Tom, i’m 14 years old, i’m from Holland and i have a red 2fun. This weekend we had a competition in Holland called: The Dutch Playboating Cup. We also had a jump, and someone made some cool foto’s from me. Enjoy them....
My first review from a Mummi from Iceland, cool photos! by Will Richardson | Mar 30, 2006 | 2010 Fun, 2010 Star, Classic Stars, Rockers, WhitewaterMarch 30, 2006 Photos Mummi is the name, kayaking is his game, and here is what he sends me from winter wonderland in Iceland! Awesome: Likes to have them in all colors,. My Jacksson kayak review,. Started kayaking 4 years ago,. Not knowing what it was all about,. The...
Snow Kayak Races by Will Richardson | Mar 14, 2006 | 2010 Fun, 2010 Star, Classic Stars, WhitewaterBy Devon Barker. Learn more about Devon. March 14, 2006 March here in Idaho has brought us an additional four feet of snow. Just when we thought the rivers would begin to run the snow started back up. We took to snow kayak races instead. I thought you might like to...
Fun 1 Review by a Dad by Will Richardson | Mar 3, 2006 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterMarch 3, 2006 EJ, Just wanted to thank you for the great boat you’ve designed in the Fun1. Back around Christmas my son, Josh, and I took a tour of the old Rock Island facility (thanks John and Tom). While we were there, Josh ‘tried on’ a Fun1 and a...
Nick Troutman and Ruth Gordon put a bunch of new paddlers in boats, brave snowstorm and kick off the season in Canada by Will Richardson | Feb 28, 2006 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterFebruary 28, 2006 Photos Ruth sends in her account of the day� Hi EJ, Only 5 more sleeps and I can�t wait to head to warmer places � it�s REALLY cold up here this week so it�s making my departure that much sweeter! Nick and I had a fantastic time this weekend at the...
The First of the 2006 Boat Armor Outfitted Jackson Kayaks have found their way to a new home for Christmas! by Will Richardson | Dec 22, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Heros, WhitewaterThe First of the 2006 Boat Armor Outfitted Jackson Kayaks have found their way to a new home for Christmas! December 22, 2005 I got this email from Ross today! Colin & EJ, Thanks to Valley Mill Boat Shop and Jackson Kayak, 2005 will be a very Merry Christmas for...
Dane writes about going to Africa this winter by Will Richardson | Nov 16, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterNovember 16, 2005 Going to Africa I am going to Africa this winter and it is going to be loads of fun! I am padding the Zambezi and the White Nile. We are going to the Zambezi for a week and a week on safari and then 2 weeks at the White Nile. We (me, my dad, my mom,...
The Williams a “Big Little Paddler Family” Checks in! by Will Richardson | Sep 14, 2005 | 2010 Fun, Kid's Kayaks, WhitewaterSeptember 14, 2005 Hi Mr. Jackson, Here’s a picture of Anisa when she was learning to surf on the Flint. Now she’s outgrown the fun 1. We had to buy another fun 1 a few months ago for our 6 year old since our five year old had taken over Anisa’s...