Playpark FUN! by Ruth Gordon | Mar 29, 2011 | JK Team Posts, Team JK, Uncategorized, WhitewaterIt’s still winter in the Sierras… and I mean WINTER. Tons of snow, high winds and recording breaking snow pack; which, by the way, is setting us up for an epic run-off. While waiting for said run-off, I’ve been paddling between storms and getting out on my skis a bit...
Stephen’s Final Uganda Photo Update: More Birds, lizards, and boating! by stephenwright | Mar 26, 2011 | Featured Post,, JK Team Posts, Playboating, Rockstar, Team JK, Trips, WhitewaterWhat a trip it’s been! 5 weeks in Uganda has gotten me back in shape, and given me lots of time to work boating skills and ponder the mysteries of life :). I had the opportunity to coach with the New River Academy for a week here, which was a blast. It was...
Chris Korbulic Reports from Venezuala- You Win Some, You Lose Some. by christopherkorbulic | Mar 25, 2011 | Creeking, Team JK, Whitewater You win some. You lose some. Such is life, such is the story of adventure, and of filming a kayaking television series. Sometimes it’s difficult to see the difference between a win and a loss, and reason doesn’t always support what you think you have in...
Africa 2011: The Children by nicktroutman | Mar 24, 2011 | Featured Post, JK Team Posts, Playboating, Rockstar, Team JK, Trips, WhitewaterWe decided to head back to Africa this year with the excuse that we would be training for the World Championships. To be honest I would probably have gone regardless of whether we were going to ‘train’ or not. I just love the White Nile and Africa. Now when I say...
Surfing the Best Wave 400 cfs Can Make! by Dustin Urban | Mar 23, 2011 | JK Team Posts, Team JK, WhitewaterI don’t think I’ve ever seen 400 cfs create a feature as fun and dynamic as the new LoDo Wave in the Buena Vista Whitewater Park. The whitewater park is about a 100-yard walk from my back gate, and ever since I’ve lived here, I’ve basically not...
World Water Day by Herschel Finch | Mar 23, 2011 | Coosa, Creeking, Fishing,, JK Team Posts, Recreational/Touring, rivers, Team JKSo today is World Water Day and it got me to thinking; having the Shenandoah River so close to me is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that I have so much history at my fingertips, I have some of the best smallmouth fishing in the world right out my back...
Ben Stookesberry Reports from Brazil: 40 Meter Monster by Ben Stookesberry | Mar 22, 2011 | Creeking, Team JK, Trip Reports, Trips, WhitewaterEmpty Handed 26 days into the filming of the Brazilian reality TV series I am standing at the brink of a 40 meter monster. My stance is as wide and as stable as possible, to compensate for the red Jasper at edge of the drop that is some of the slipperiest rock I have...
Stephen’s 2nd Uganda Photo Update: Flying Monkeys, Birds, Schools, and the Rockstar! by stephenwright | Mar 14, 2011 | Featured Post,, JK Team Posts, Playboating, Rockstar, Team JK, WhitewaterHere’s my 2nd photo dump of my Uganda trip 2011. It’s been a great month! I’m just off a week of working as a guest instructor with the New River Academy. They had a great group of kids and fantastic staff–everyone was eager to learn, which...
‘Home’ is Where the Fishing (buddies) Are. by Herschel Finch | Mar 12, 2011 | Coosa, Fishing,, Recreational/Touring, rivers, Team JKA visit home to North Carolina is always pretty good,..generally most trips involves a little golf with my sister and her “golf-monster” husband. Well it’s all her fault he’s like that. He was all about NASCAR and hunting before he married her 12...
Coosa modification with pool noodles by Jonn Graham | Mar 1, 2011 | Coosa, Fishing, Team JKThe Coosa is my first kayak. Upon first seeing the boat, the scupper holes had me wondering. I was not afraid of water coming up through the holes, but I was thinking how many things I might drop down the holes while fishing. When it comes to losing things, I am a...
Stephen’s Uganda Photo Update #1: Big Wave Action, monkeys, and bugs! by stephenwright | Mar 1, 2011 |, JK Team Posts, Playboating, Rockstar, Team JK, Whitewater[nggallery id=187 blog=1]
Happy New Coosa Owner! by Jonn Graham | Feb 28, 2011 | Coosa, Fishing, Recreational/Touring, Team JKWell, it happened! My Coosa was delivered yesterday to Central Illinois. What a great Wednesday. It fit on my truck rack just great and came home with me. Got home after dark so I could not get any good pics yet. But here is one of me on the porch with my new...