The Real Paddlesport show of Jersey by sonia | Feb 24, 2012 | Big Tuna, Coosa, Cuda, Dealer, Fishing, Recreational/Touring, Whitewater, ZenGot your fill of Jersey Shore and the real housewives of Jersey? Well we have the cure to change your perception of what all Jersey has to offer… Jersey Paddler’s Paddlesport show is the largest canoe, kayak and stand-up paddling show on the East Coast!...
Zen Review: Video with one of NOC’s Best! Chris Hipgrave by JK Team | Feb 20, 2012 | Whitewater, ZenCheck out what he has to say about Jackson Kayak’s Newest River Runner: THE ZEN [youtube][/youtube] For more information on the Zen… CLICK HERE
The Zen hits the Upper Caney Fork- Review by Jeff Leach by Boyd Ruppelt | Feb 5, 2012 | Whitewater, ZenI recently had the pleasure of creeking with a friend I met in Colorado on a big day on OBJ, Jeff Leach. He brought with him, the Zen! It’s a great looking boat, perfect all round size for river running of any style. This boat acted like it was made for the...
Now and Zen… Our Best River Runner Ever… Reviewed by EJ by ericjackson | Feb 1, 2012 | Whitewater, ZenThe Urban Dictionary defines the Zen as: a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. This is exactly how the Zen should be thought of as it is the most intuitive paddling boat you’ll ever try. It has a 100% success rate...
Emily’s Day on Cane Creek and First Impressions of the Zen! by Emily Jackson | Jan 31, 2012 | Creeking, Team JK, Whitewater, ZenEmily’s Best Day on Cane Creek and First Impressions of the Zen! Yesterday Dad, Nick and I woke up earlier then usual to the sound of heavy rains, followed with heavy hailing… This meant that Dad had already left me several voice messages Mostly along the lines,...
Jackson Kayaks Launches its Pure River Runner- the ZEN: Promo Video by nicktroutman | Jan 30, 2012 | Featured Post,, JK Team Posts, River Running, Team JK, Video, Whitewater, ZenThe much anticipated ZEN is finally here, Jackson Kayak’s first ‘pure’ river running kayak. With some more hull speed, and excellent carving abilities the Zen with make catching eddying and making your moves much easier. The reduced volume in the...