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Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

Have you ever hook something and felt like you were finally going to catch that once in a lifetime sized bass, only to have it mysteriously come unbuttoned? We’ll, maybe it was just a big a** carp.....
Getting Close to Catch More

Getting Close to Catch More

We are getting to the cold times of the year. Some of us are lucky if we aren’t covered with blanket of ice on the tops our waters. For those that have water to fish we start to notice that most of our fisheries are getting sort of muddy. And those that fish rivers...
Jurassic creek, Dinosaurs are still here.

Jurassic creek, Dinosaurs are still here.

Most people know I’m a diehard river smallmouth fisherman. It’s true. I am definitely addicted to what these big bronze monster tailed fish bring to the table. Where they live, how they hit, how they fight, what’s not to obsess about? I’m for sure a lifer in SMA...
Way down yonder…

Way down yonder…

Welcome to bass fishing in Georgia. We’ve got all the big hitters – Northern and F1 strain largemouth, smallmouth, Kentucky and Alabama spots. We’ve also got the bass we brag on down here – the Shoal bass. But we’re so much more than that –...
MKT Tournament

MKT Tournament

This past july I drove up to the great state on michigan to compete in one of the Michigan Kayak Anglers trail events. In my humble opinion these events have some of the toughest competition yet are run seamlessly. I drove up two days prior to the event in order to...
High Tension Season 2018

High Tension Season 2018

High tension is one of the best waves in the world, anyone who has surfed it would agree it’s high on the list, perfectly smooth, a great shoulder, easy eddy and walk up, good viewing place, steep, big enough for combos, and so easy to cycle. Those all make it a world...
Choosing Good Fishing Areas for Kayak Fisherman

Choosing Good Fishing Areas for Kayak Fisherman

“Hey man, where are they biting?” I get asked that many times when on the water or during prefishing. Seems like everyone is looking for that secret honey hole where the fish bite on every cast. The ultimate question is “where?” As kayak fishermen this is a very...
Kayak for a Cause

Kayak for a Cause

Kayak for a Cause was an idea that Nathaniel Milligan, then 12-year-old middle schooler, came up with in hopes to help other kids less fortunate than him who are food insecure. Nathaniel attends a city middle school, Albert Hill Middle School in Richmond, Virginia...
Angler Overboard

Angler Overboard

This is not an easy post to make. This video has been sitting on the hard drive for a while and I guess it is time to share my folly with the world. I tried to gloat. I tried to get cute. And I got wet. Fish grips for the...
Don’t Overlook Your Paddle

Don’t Overlook Your Paddle

I’ve touched on this in the past, but after the kayak itself, the next big question relates to your paddle.  For years I have recommended buying the lightest, most expensive paddle you can afford.  Andrew Stern, Marketing Director for Bending Branches and...