Build a Kayak Rack by crystalgustin | Aug 13, 2019 | Instructional, Internationalisation, United States, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionA friend of mine was in need of a kayak rack and after numerous requests, I made it a priority and started my research. I could have made it easy on myself and built a sawhorse style rack, same as mine, but I am not really a big fan of it. With a fair amount of google...
The Dynamic Married Duo by kylethomas | Aug 12, 2019 | Creeking, Dynamic Duo, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesOnce upon a time, a paddling dudette and a paddling dude decided to take their relationship to new heights. Get married? No, they already tied the knot. Get a dog? Nah, you probably already read about Oliver the Adventure Corgi in the Jackson Kayak Karma RG. They...
FIBArk- First in Boating the Arkansas by nicktroutman | Aug 11, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, WW DisciplinesFABArk is the longest standing whitewater event/ race in the United States, and has been going on for the past 70 years. It has been a staple on our event tour for the past decade, though in the most recent years there had been some scheduling conflicts, and I had...
Basic Gear For Spear Fishing by jimrussell | Aug 10, 2019 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Kraken, United States, VideoHuge thank you to Jameson Redding for putting together this awesome video and giving me a chance to talk about some of the basic gear I use for spearfishing out here in Northern California. Everyone has different ways of doing things so I encourage you to experiment...
Why is the kicking horse awesome??? by davecrerar | Aug 10, 2019 | Canada, Internationalisation, Video, WhitewaterLike most Canadian towns established in the late 1800’s, Golden is the product of the famed fur trade. David Thompson, “renowned fur trader, surveyor and map-maker (was) tasked by the North West Company to open up a trading route to the lucrative trading territories...
Sunshine and Kayaking: The Perfect Unplugged Adventure by teamjk | Aug 9, 2019 | Family Zone, Kid's Kayaks, Playboating, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesSoaking In the Best Moments of Your Life. Ever wonder, if you can make time stand still? Shrink your schedule and get a glimmer of unplugged moments together with the people you love most? What about the idea of putting away the to do lists, grasping at minutes of...
Pitsford Kayak Grand Slam by teamjk | Aug 8, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, UKJust got back from the Pitsford Kayak Grand slam, in Northamptonshire. The task was to have the longest combined length of 1 Pike, 2 Trout and 3 Perch. In recent years the fishing has been prolific and the arduous task of catch fish after fish until you find the...
Reno River Festival 2019 by Jessica Yurtinus | Aug 8, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesIf you are looking for a freestyle competition that is full of energy, excitement, and up to 40,000 spectators, then you need to come to the Reno River Festival. This year featured a freestyle competition, boater cross, kayak slalom, SUP cross, SUP surf,...
Kayak Fishing….Fish of a lifetime (State Record) by teamjk | Aug 7, 2019 | Coosa HD, Fishing, JAdventures Main BannerThis is my recount of a day of kayak fishing on November 18, 2017. This day turned out to be better than I could have ever dreamed. (Sheldon kayak fishing the scenic Chipola River) It was a crisp fall morning with plenty of sunshine to warm things up a little. My dad,...
The Art of Surf-n-Turf by wildwildwes | Aug 7, 2019 | Creeking, Nirvana, Uncategorized, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesAt first glance most folks see this word and think of a steak and shrimp combo meal for nutrition, but some folks in the outdoor world know this term to be something very satisfying for the mind and body! Surf-n-Turf: The act of whitewater kayaking and mountain biking...