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Fishing Hot Spots

Fishing Hot Spots

Fishing Hot Spots   Relying on your senses can be a simple dependable system for finding and catching fish throughout the year. The use of electronics in conjunction with a common sense approach has become common for kayak anglers. A quick glance and “reading”...
The Art of Work-Kayak Balance

The Art of Work-Kayak Balance

The Art of Work-Kayak Balance As a full-time bridge engineer and inspector in the transportation industry who travels extensively throughout the year, finding a balance between work and my passion for kayaking has been a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Over the...
She’s No Addict | How to get your spouse kayak fishing

She’s No Addict | How to get your spouse kayak fishing

If I were to have to make a choice between breathing and fishing I would probably see just how many casts I could get while I held my last breath. My bride on the other hand could take or leave fishing. Make no mistake, she can hold her own on the kayak and is a blast...
Paddlers Responsibility: How to deal with Zebra Mussels

Paddlers Responsibility: How to deal with Zebra Mussels

Paddlers Responsibility: How to deal with Zebra Mussels Kayak fishing has taken flight, and some would say it is the fastest-growing area of the fishing industry. With the portability, low cost, and overall peace and quiet it brings the paddler, the popularity is easy...
What’s Stopping You?

What’s Stopping You?

I know I had it easy when I got started kayaking. The boats were fiberglass and home made. There was one model so the choice option was done for you upfront. The gear was pretty abysmal and it always leaked but that didn’t deter us in the least from having fun;...